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RIP Downfallen.

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That was a very fitting video tribute

RIP fella



As a professional photographer Downfallens images put many of us to shame. He obviously had talent and a passion burning brightly. If only I could do half of what he achieved. :Not Worthy

A massive loss but let the spirit live on in all of us


Stay Safe
Staff member
As one who has lost friends on active service in the past, and more recently in Afghanistan I can only echo what others have said. He died doing something he loved.

We all face death in different ways, and mine is 'What the fuck, if my numbers up, thats it' I do not dwell on the fact, or wrap myself in cotton wool, I just get on with it, as I know many do here in so many differant ways.

I never met you mate, as I have not meet almost everyone on here or Darkplaces. But I do believe in something beyond death, call it an afterlife if you wish. In any case I will not mourn your passing, it is not my thing, but celebrate your life, and look back on your posts.



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A top notch explorer who was a pleasure to do expos with. A tragic loss.

The Stig

Urbex = Nosey Bastard
28DL Full Member
such a sad lost to the urbex world as well as base jumping world as well. Will be sadly lost.

My thoughts are with his family and them who were close to him


Rest in peace, I'd like to think he has a pair of wings and is looking down from heaven considering a base jump!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
JEEZ! Such bad news, as others have said at least he went doing what he loved! One of the best...full stop! RIP Downfallen. You'll be missed. Freebird & Sqwasher.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
He truely was one of the best. Everyone should take the time to go look at his reports again, you will appreciate what an extraordinary explorer he was. Every report is unique, nearly all brand new stuff and most never repeated, stunning photography every time and all this while being a totaly sound guy! He explored for the experiance not to showboat, came head to head with many of us over stuff but all was forgotten when it came to busting some epicness. no one will replace him!

Any way these could be colloated and allocated a special area then locked as a mark or respect?

Condolences to his loved one tho i did not know the guy..

sneaky fox

Rest in peace - a true legend that I never got the opportunity to meet

Palace Fan

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Just found mention of DF on a Ford lovers forum. His work was loved by so many!! Admiration and respect from all.


Memento vivere
28DL Full Member

The world is a darker place without your light in it.

Absens sed nunquam in oblivione,
Gone but never forgotten.

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