Heres Darrens story of jumping 'the big one', sent to me April 2008 might be pleased to hear I managed to jump the **** *****i on Friday night ...or rather early Saturday am
Here's the lowdown....
Got a bit of 'lower' activity in between scoping the big boy out for a couple of days.....outer perimeter has several gates...all manned /patrolled 24hrs. - 2-3 guards each gate
Construction going on 24hrs....non stop....and very busy site...because its not just the burj dubai thats being built....its the whole surrounding area.....there are 3 sixty story skyscrapers immediately close by and another 7 50 stories B's goping up right next door to that site.....all working 24hrs.

A straight sneak in at the mo is out of the questions.....there are workers /site security everywhere.....I;d have to pass through them to get to the Burj which is bang in the middle of the whole project site....
I came up with a 2 tier solution....and went out looking for props...
Friday night came.....winds looking good for later so I snuck under the outer perimeter fence with my stash bag crammed full...A security gate was about 100yards away but this was the quietest point for entry...
I had to crawl through about 100m of old dusty sandy scrubland to keep myself from popping up in a sillouhette and getting spotted by the guards on the gate......
at the end of this scrubland was another perimeter fence then a site road and then another perimeter fence ( the inner perimeter)
I had to run across that road.....dig a bit to get under the inner perimeter fence.....every time I saw headlights of a car I had to dash back across the road from where I had come and dive back under the perimeter fence there......after a few trips the gap was big enough to slide under with my swollen stashbag.
Inside this fenmce was the site for the bigtowers near the was quiet of workers but security were patrolling and there were random site people appearing from all sorts of dark areas you see on a building site.
I found some cover and initiated the first part of the plan...
First out came the black womens foundation cream.....I painted up my face/chest ears/ hairline /wrists and hands....I wasnt black....but a good shade of brown....just like the Indian workers !
Next the pale blue boiler helmet and gloves.....after all that I looked just like one of the site workers I had studied in various pictures of the project.
Out into the main building site and heading towards the centre , all was quiet......I tried to keep to the edges of the road....without looking too suspicious.....I passed some security guards, but not too closely....after an initial glance they didnt pay me any attention....they were not too close though.
then I see I guy walking towards me ....shit !
He passed me within a couple of meters...lifted his hand and said something.....I just lifted my hand an mumbled back.....and then craned in my peripheral vision to see him continue walking on without looking back.....result !
I ended up in the main building site in front of the **** close now....there was a big recessed central hole....being filled with concrete and an obvious narrow road around it....I started walking this road through the yard...thinking I was in....I moved around a crane and froze.....aboiut 20meters in front was a secuurity guard sat there on the edge of the road in front of a gate....looking the other way.
I'd have to go right up to him and pass through a gate.....and there was alot of light around him.....this one was just too close..with the proximity and light I'm sure he would have rumbled me......I slowly backtracked...wtaching him all the time.....he didnt see me.
Following the road around the other way I saw the same thing.......shit.....these were the only 2 entrances to the **** Base from this road.....
I sat behind a drum took a breather....and figured my next move
Looking down into the recess being filled I saw a small set of boards across the was very well lit but much lower than the road....if I could cross it quietly...I'd pass right between the two security long as they didnt look down....I'd be cool.
Walking across the boards....took ages.....each step was pressure tested , just in case there was a sqeek or groan from the wood that would give away my position.....I had my teeth gritted and whole body was on edge...I desparately wanted to get across the bit quickly because it was so light.....but couldnt rush it.
Huge wave of relief when I stepped off the other side and climbed up.
There was another climb down and up the side of a small between the trucks removing rubble...another security gate dodge ( where I had to walk across the slurry ...human waste slurry.....pipe outlet....that smelt real wonder nobody wanted to check this place was secure)
Then I was the base of the **** ***** !!!
Passing the site office I could hear jack hammers banging away above and the sound of the hoists going up and down....
Amazingly...the first set of steps I came across went straight into the first level......I had expected a great deal more security and effort to be required to actually get into the building....despite the tricky entry to the site.
I felt well chuffed at this point ......swigged some water and had a little rest.
I started the stair climb in ernest......there are loads of different stair wells in here....and just adjusted which one I was in whenever I heard the sound of workers conversations a bit too close !
At floor ten I checked out the final LZ still had not been clear.
I stopped for a rest and considered my next move.
I had planned to use my workers diguise to get into the building.....but once in ...I knew it was well lit up and didnt feel I would be so lucky to pass through the bright lights and consistantly get away with with not being rumbled.....and as the building height rose....the floor space got smaller and smaller.....vastly increasing my chances of bumping into workers there.
I had also brought a crisp short sleeve white shirt, black trousers and clip board........the same outfit the 'site management' I had observed in photos and videos.....
I had noticed they were very authoratative with the mainly indian plan was to get rid of the makeup , put on disguise 'b'....stick a 'lift engineer surveyor' storyline on and bark at any worker who questioned me...I figured my disguise...complete with hardhat , gloves and clipboard...being a westerner...would be convincing enough.
As it happens...I was confident enough in avoiding the workmen through the many stairwells......that I didnt get rid of disguise A......I just stripped down a bit to deal with the heat and carried on climbing
Floor 30...stopped to check the weather.....was a bit windy......but still 'ok'
Floor 60........I was running out of water and couldnt find a 'fresh' supply.....all the water was pretty filthy......
I figured I would ration it some more.......but if I ran out......I had no choice.....I would have to drink some of the dirty water from the hydrants and deal with the stomach problems the next day.......or be severly dehydrated.
I thought i had brought enough water.......but you can never bring enough for this heat and this number of stairs !
Floor 99 the first crane level.......that sucker is HUGE !! and has its own external power supply.....never switched off....even at night the heat around it was unbearable.......but the platform gave me some great views over Dubai.......and yet there was still more work to do
After about 120 floors I stopped counting....and went into legs were so tired......but i kept drudging up the step at a time.....14 steps per floor.....step , step , step.....
No variety.....all the levels looked pretty much identical.....still no sign of a fresh water supply..I could have searched each level...but that meant using up more energy resource...I elected to not go 'looking' out of the way for it...but rather ration what I had left.......but the rationing of the water I had....kept me thinking.Another thing I started doing was setting 'mini' goals on the do the next 3 levels in the next 4mins etc....silly little things to keep you thinking.
The higher I climbed the more frequent my rests became.....but soon the end was tantalisingly close !
Up at 155, the last stair level.....I dumped off my stash bag lay down and rested for half and hour,......I was knackered.
I then got up and continued up the steel my great surprise....there was absolutely no one there...!
for the last two days I had seen nothing but activity on the top steel levels....and cranes......but this was Friday night.....Thursday and Friday are the 'weekend' over here so technically this was like a UK 'sunday night' !
It was great....up on top....the view was just mesmeric......looking down on 80 floor skyscrapers like they were small houses !......and seeing the coastline of the Gulf as far as the visibility would let me
It was a bit windy......but god damn.....ive never felt so in tune with myself and the world and all that shit.....
I had to drag myself away.....I could have stayed there until the sun came up.
Looking down from each level it was quickly obvious there was no exit point from the steel sections.