Bolton Culvert(s) - Undergound Bolton - Visited by Ojay, Gone, Rookie & Urban Soldier.
The River Croal is culverted at three seperate points through Bolton town centre, running under Knowsley Street; the Market Place and Bridge Street. Prior to 1836 the River Croal formed the boundary between the townships of Great and Little Bolton.
Another last explore and bombing it over to Bolton late one evening we once again wadered up.
Access was one of the Outfalls on the other side of town where we walked firstly downstream then back Up-Stream towards Bridge St, passing under Bradshaw Gate and the Gates Shopping Centre.
On the way, there was some very interesting features, in all we spent 4 hours and it was nowhere near long enough!
The night wasn't complete without it's comedy moments:
Me and Gone both falling into some huge hole in the middle of the river bed
Gone getting attacked by killer budgies LOL,
Rookie getting pissed wet through because he only had wellies.
Anyway some photos of the River as it passes through under the Town Centre, Enjoy
Infall into downstream section, mainly concrete
Looking back out
After A long walk down we came across the roaring weir at these falls
Eventually we could see daylight
Just further downstream
Looking back upstream
Eventually we came to another infall even further downstream
Whilst at this point we spotted this curious egg shaped sewer/storm outfall
And This
Urban Soldier had no sooner pointed this out, that before I could grab my camera Gone was in like a rat up a drainpipe. Seconds later he came flying out like a crazy mutha, he was being attacked by 'Killer Budgies' I managed to Grab a few shots before Gone & Rookie jumped back in and headed up the overflow.
If you look hard enough you can see 'Killer Budgies' just inside....
Heading back upstream from the section we first started at
Fucking soaked after dropping down some big ass hole just infront
Passing through a mixture of concrete and stone arches
It was here we noticed some massive metal door, inside we were under the foundations of what looked like to be part of the Gates Shopping Centre
We eventually arrived here
This was by far the most interesting section even though we didn't make it onto the bridge still managed to get some decent shots
The River Croal is culverted at three seperate points through Bolton town centre, running under Knowsley Street; the Market Place and Bridge Street. Prior to 1836 the River Croal formed the boundary between the townships of Great and Little Bolton.
Another last explore and bombing it over to Bolton late one evening we once again wadered up.
Access was one of the Outfalls on the other side of town where we walked firstly downstream then back Up-Stream towards Bridge St, passing under Bradshaw Gate and the Gates Shopping Centre.
On the way, there was some very interesting features, in all we spent 4 hours and it was nowhere near long enough!
The night wasn't complete without it's comedy moments:
Me and Gone both falling into some huge hole in the middle of the river bed
Gone getting attacked by killer budgies LOL,
Rookie getting pissed wet through because he only had wellies.
Anyway some photos of the River as it passes through under the Town Centre, Enjoy

Infall into downstream section, mainly concrete
Looking back out
After A long walk down we came across the roaring weir at these falls
Eventually we could see daylight
Just further downstream
Looking back upstream
Eventually we came to another infall even further downstream
Whilst at this point we spotted this curious egg shaped sewer/storm outfall
And This
Urban Soldier had no sooner pointed this out, that before I could grab my camera Gone was in like a rat up a drainpipe. Seconds later he came flying out like a crazy mutha, he was being attacked by 'Killer Budgies' I managed to Grab a few shots before Gone & Rookie jumped back in and headed up the overflow.
If you look hard enough you can see 'Killer Budgies' just inside....
Heading back upstream from the section we first started at
Fucking soaked after dropping down some big ass hole just infront
Passing through a mixture of concrete and stone arches
It was here we noticed some massive metal door, inside we were under the foundations of what looked like to be part of the Gates Shopping Centre
We eventually arrived here
This was by far the most interesting section even though we didn't make it onto the bridge still managed to get some decent shots
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