General Tosser
An awful lot of Broughton Moor was unused for decades prior to closure. May of the buildings (esp NW area of site) were last used in the 1950's
The use of the site is quite comple once it became a NATO establishment. At oe poit it was leased to the West German Army and sub-let to the USA. Why would the Germans want an arms dump in remote Cumbria? The only place interantional treaties allowed the USA to store chemical weapons in Europe was on German property (no other country).
A RNAD leased to the Germans, sublet to the Americans. Draw your own conclusions, FOI requests reveal nothing.
The ground beneath the RNAD was mined for fireclay as well as coal, lots of the workings are very shallow (esp the West of the site) There is an inclined drift to the North West of the site. Some workings cut below others but there is actually 50 plus shafts of varying depth on the site. Most were relatively small scale workings
The use of the site is quite comple once it became a NATO establishment. At oe poit it was leased to the West German Army and sub-let to the USA. Why would the Germans want an arms dump in remote Cumbria? The only place interantional treaties allowed the USA to store chemical weapons in Europe was on German property (no other country).
A RNAD leased to the Germans, sublet to the Americans. Draw your own conclusions, FOI requests reveal nothing.
The ground beneath the RNAD was mined for fireclay as well as coal, lots of the workings are very shallow (esp the West of the site) There is an inclined drift to the North West of the site. Some workings cut below others but there is actually 50 plus shafts of varying depth on the site. Most were relatively small scale workings