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Report - - Robinson & Sons, Walton Works, Chesterfield, Derbyshire - November 2022 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Robinson & Sons, Walton Works, Chesterfield, Derbyshire - November 2022

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Robinson & Sons, Walton Works, Chesterfield

The Walton Works in the Brampton area of Chesterfield originally began as a candlewick and tape mill constructed in the 1770s for messrs Hewitt, Bunting & Co and by the mid-1800s the mill complex had expanded to include the spinning and doubling of Persian sewing thread.

By 1896 the site had been purchased by Robinsons who used the buildings for production of lint and subsequently for antiseptic dressings, cardboard cartons and cotton wool up until 2002 when they moved all production to newer premises nearby.

I think for a good few years after closure a company called Tac House Spartan used the buildings for airsoft but this seemed to end in December 2019 when their tenancy was terminated to allow redevelopment to start (which hasn’t happened yet).

Failed a couple of times here over the years during a couple of half-arsed attempts, so it was nice to finally put some extra effort in and see it. It was as empty and soggy as expected but nice and old nevertheless.

Visited with @Gsxrwayne

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Redevelopment has been on the cards here for years now and no sign anything is about to start. I guess it’s a bit of a money pit!​


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Good photos mate, my favorite part of this place is the staircase with the clocking in rack and notice board overlooking the river


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Failed here several times. Need to make the effort and give it another shot given your excellent pics!


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
There was some interesting old toilet blocks down the back. Not sure you can get to them without waders tho.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
stunning pictures mate, me and two of me mates tried getting in a few times towards end of last year but ended up not getting in

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