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Report - ROC Post Swindon - Demolished - November 2015

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
First report, so be kind. This site is a derp as it is long demolished, but evidence of it's previous existence still remains. Photos taken with my Windows Phone so are not of the best quality!

Swindon ROC Post, history taken from Sub Brit:

OS Grid Reference SU11988343
County Wiltshire
Date opened July 1961
Date closed March 1967
Location Just North of trig. station on top of Toot Hill

DEMOLISHED The only evidence of the post is some of the compound fencing in the undergrowth. Closed 1967 (The post was abandoned in March 1967 due to water ingress. A new post was built 3 miles to the South at Wroughton)

Location of the ROC Post:

Fence Posts

Corner Post

Remnants of Barbed wire on a post

And the actual site of the ROC Post (Note the dip in the ground level:


Thanks for looking, and any feedback is welcome!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nope, unfortunately not. I didn't even realise it was even there until fairly recently, despite living in the area for 30 years.

Bertie Bollockbrains

There is no pain
Regular User
For your information, the ROC post at Wroughton, which as you said was the replacement ROC post for this one and possibly the last ROC post to be constructed, is now used by the British Geological Society as a seismological monitoring station. You can view real time seismological recording data from it (and from all other BGS recording stations) here. That tells me there was bit of an earthquake in Wroughton this morning at 08.12 am - most likely from my daily geting-out-of-bed-first-fart-of-the-day routine, which usually comes just before I brush my teeth.

I hear that it is possible to walk to it via Clout's Wood. Not done that myself but may be worth investigating.

Oxygen Thief

Staff member
For your information, the ROC post at Wroughton, which as you said was the replacement ROC post for this one and possibly the last ROC post to be constructed, is now used by the British Geological Society as a seismological monitoring station. You can view real time seismological recording data from it (and from all other BGS recording stations) here. That tells me there was bit of an earthquake in Wroughton this morning at 08.12 am - most likely from my daily geting-out-of-bed-first-fart-of-the-day routine, which usually comes just before I brush my teeth.

I hear that it is possible to walk to it via Clout's Wood. Not done that myself but may be worth investigating.

jeez, what's going on in Swindon, you falling between the tectonic plates or something?