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Question - ROC Restoration Opportunity - Planning Application

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28DL Full Member
This is the post at Holsworthy, I recognise my photo's LOL. I would be interested in its restoration


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
Ahh I see so it’s more about slapping 45 holiday homes on agricultural land………the bunker is only getting restored as it means you can get through planning laws……oh wait if you read further down there are no proposals to restore the bunker,just an information board.

I’m glad the council has refused the application for holiday homes which will blight the landscape


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
Says it all really


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks for your comments pirate, your screenshot is a summary of local comments, the Council's view is set out in rest of the report.

As you know it is difficult to secure funding and opportunities to restore ROC Posts and make them accessible to the public and youngsters, alternative funding streams need to be created and the project aims to do that, amongst creating economic investment in the local area. The scheme has been carefully designed to avoid negative impact to the landscape and countryside.

There are a number of documents submitted towards the application which set out the plans to restore the ROC Post, space is included in the site to create a fantastic tourist asset and the project has sought to involve the ROC Association to ensure we respect the history of the site. The application complies with Planning Policies before the restoration of the ROC Post is considered and would deliver high quality lodge caravans to the area linking in with the Ruby Way and local business. We would seek to return the inside of the bunker to its former glory and let tourists visit alongside information boards promoting the history. The project is about delivering economic investment to the area as part of this we would like to ensure the heritage of the area is enhanced. It is rare that opportunities arise to preserve these pieces of World War II and Cold War bunkers.


Enthusiastic Idiot and prolific BS talker
28DL Full Member
The original post was summarised with "I write this post as a call to arms for those who value ROC Posts and wish to see them restored and valued in the UK" which sounds very noble but misrepresents the situation that this is primarily a development of 45 holiday homes/lodges with some window-dressing to try to please the planners.

"..As you know it is difficult to secure funding and opportunities.." I'd have thought the development of 45 lodges would more than adequately fund a lot of things, perhaps you could have phrased it that your client couldn't apply for a heritage or charitable grant because this was a potentially very profitable money making venture.

It's true that many developments would simply flatten/fill these in and it is better to preserve it, but given comments that the "design of lodges are not in keeping with buildings in the area" it comes across as pretty "insincere" (to put it politely) for you to present this as largely motivated by a desire to preserve history and local heritage.

I hope the ROC post is left undisturbed, or better still sympathetically renovated. But equally I hope your clients application is refused and you learn to be honest with people


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
It’s got nothing to do with securing funding……’ve come on here trying to gain support for ROC restoration without giving us the full story…….typical developer

Your main objective is holiday homes which has been refused on many reasonable grounds.

it won’t become a major tourist attraction,it’s not even a nuclear bunker it’s a monitoring post.
Klevedon hatch doesn’t get much foot fall and that’s a proper 3story nuclear bunker.
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Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
just to add what funding do you need to restore the ROC post ? Enthusiasts do it out of their own back pocket and all you really need is some green and white paint


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
just to add what funding do you need to restore the ROC post ? Enthusiasts do it out of their own back pocket and all you really need is some green and white paint
There's a little bit more to it than paint... but yeh I agree!

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