Yeah, I've been to both Scout and Pinner, not been to Facit yet but it's on my list!
I wasn't too bothered in Scout because there wasn't all too much to see aside from a few bits - felt a bit weird being so close to peoples houses too?! Visited a really small one up the top of the hill right near Scout called Longbank too (which TLR has done a report on) Pinner was great though, it took me three tries to find the crane but felt really good when I eventually found itGot some really good pics too. Didn't feel too bad in there - felt like another one that would be hard to get lost it.
Having a look into Facit but heard loads about how unstable it is so doing a bit more planning for that one.
I think it was on my third visit to Pinner that I found the crane as well

TLR has done a report on Facit too. I am hoping to get in there at some point, but probably with TLR if we can wangle a joint expedition. It seems to draw a fair bit of attention, probably because of its notoriety, but finding people who have been in is a different matter. From what TLR was saying (other than it being made of weetabix), I gather the biggest worry is getting lost...