Visited with Havoc very early on wednesday morning. Met up about 4am and sat around chatting for a while, as soon as dawn broke we made our way to our access point. First time to Doultons for both of us and all I can say is that its massive but where are the f*cking pots :crazy Anyway, it was an excellent explore, here are some of my pics and I believe Havoc will post some up also 
28dl visitors sigi
happy staff
totally trashed, glass everywhere
and not a single pot anywhere, thougth havoc was going to start pulling his hair out....... but he doesn;t have any
think everyone who's been has taken this shot

28dl visitors sigi

happy staff
totally trashed, glass everywhere
and not a single pot anywhere, thougth havoc was going to start pulling his hair out....... but he doesn;t have any

think everyone who's been has taken this shot