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Report - - Royal London Hospital Dentist School, London - November 2019 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Royal London Hospital Dentist School, London - November 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I saw this place mentioned on the "Leads, Rumours..." board 4 years ago, but didn't hear anything more about it.
So this week, when we failed to get into another location in London, we thought we'd give this place a quick look to see if it was possible.
It look about 30 seconds to work out how to get into the site. But then to actually get into the main part was a bit trickier.
Eventually we got in, past graffiti and messages from ex-squatters to each other and we spent an hour or so going around until security turned up and asked us to leave.

History (from Survey of London)
This 1960s block designed by Stephen Statham & Associates as a dental institute and students’ union. It was designed to accommodate 130,000 dental patients each year and to permit a doubling of the annual admission of dentistry students to 50.
The final design was developed in association with Oscar Faber & Partners, consulting engineers, and John Liversedge & Associates, structural engineers. The block was constructed in 1962–5 by Francis Jackson Contractors Ltd and a number of subcontractors.
The 1st floor had a central core comprising a sterilising department, a waiting area, surgeries and offices, partially encircled by a treatment area containing 92 dental chairs for patients. These were arranged in four-bay clusters separated by low screens to ensure privacy.
The second floor contained a lecture theatre, a photographic unit and offices, while a Department of Child Dental Health was installed on the third floor.
The fouth floor was a teaching department.
The fifth and sixth floors of the building were dedicated to research and included an animal testing facility.

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For more of my images, go to

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Dont think Ive seen this before. Good job. Looks quite clean. The teaching areas make for good shots though. :cool:

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