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Report - - Royal Navy diving and animal testing facility-Gosport- July 2020 | Military Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Royal Navy diving and animal testing facility-Gosport- July 2020

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28DL Full Member
Very cool; used to live in Gosport and this makes me want to go back just for a little look
You really should go back for a look, there’s also another 2 abandoned buildings that are a 5 minute walk from there as well to make it really worth your time


28DL Full Member
Driven passed there many times but never knew it was used for all that, poor goats :(
Nice report and thanks for sharing.
You’d never expect that, I certainly didn’t, knew it would be worth a good report, thank you


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Very interesting post & felt for the poor goats! I live local to hear so that was an interesting post. Did my work experience years ago at the Submarine Museum & saw the dive tank.


28DL Full Member
Very interesting post & felt for the poor goats! I live local to hear so that was an interesting post. Did my work experience years ago at the Submarine Museum & saw the dive tank.
Oh wow really, that’s so interesting, you should check it out


28DL Member
28DL Member
This was actually a spontaneous find after planning a road trip to Portsmouth and Gosport and all of our good locations being unsuccessful, we didn’t want it to be a waste so luckily we found this and a couple of others.

History- This place was used to use goats for testing and experiments. Tests we’re suspended last March and a permanent ban was put in place. They were subjecting goats to various pressures in a hyperbaric chamber.
The purpose of it was just in case a submarine was ever stranded, the escape drills and equipment needed would be improved from the results they would get from the goats.

Copied from ‘wired’
“The effects of decompression sickness, brought on by rising too quickly to the surface from the intense pressure encountered at depth, include joint pain, visual disturbances, loss of balance, breathing difficulties, paralysis and death. The animals which survived initial tests at Gosport were often used in a series of painful experiments for up to five years before being culled and undergoing post-mortem examination of their spinal cords and brain tissue.
They used goats because their respiratory physiology closely resembles that of humans.

The explore- We were actually expecting to run into security and we thought exploring this place was going to be risky, however, no security at all.
We spent about 2 hours walking around this one as there we’re so many buildings to explore, took us a while to figure out what it was but turned out to be dive and goat testing facility

The diving room was so interesting as we’ve never seen anything like it, it was like going behind the scenes. We were so confused at first because we just saw this massive green hole, not knowing what it was, it just turned out to be the water they dived into but it was full of green bits where nature has overtaken.

Another building had animal like facilities in it, which at this point before we knew what this place was, left us very confused.

We ran into a group of teenage boys which made things a bit disappointing as they definitely weren’t exploring.

Overall, very interesting explore, bit sad that the goats went through painful experiments though. /////// do you know the address to the place

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