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Report - - Shield Engineering / Queniborough Lodge, Leicester - March 2024 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Shield Engineering / Queniborough Lodge, Leicester - March 2024

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28DL Regular User
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Shield Engineering / Queniborough Lodge, Leicester - March 2024

A 28 acre site, formerly the home of Shield Engineering who were set up in 1949 and specialise in the machining and assembly of castings. The business continues to operate from other sites across Leicester, presumably they moved out of these buildings to allow for sale and redevelopment to take place.

Also awaiting redevelopment is the business owners’ house - Queniborough Lodge. This is a former Georgian manor house which was built some time between 1793 and 1815. The associated farm buildings were probably added in 1855. The site is currently owned by Bloor Homes and earmarked for 132 dwellings.

Nothing epic to be found here, just a big relaxed local wander which was exactly what I was in the mood for. The engineering works are an empty, sprawling and strange collection of ramshackle buildings, mostly constructed from wood, corrugated metal or breeze-blocks. The gaffers’ house was quite nice and will hopefully be converted tastefully into apartments or whatever Bloor Homes plan on doing to it.

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Few shots from the manor house

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Last time I looked the place seemed to be getting smashed up at the usual Leicestershire rate...​


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Lovely photos dude, I'm very local to this so will have to check it out. Sometimes I feel I need to look closer to home 😆😆


28DL Regular User
Regular User


28DL Member
28DL Member
Me and a few friends found this place a few weeks back and kept hearing a massive bird calling nearly everything we went (assumed it was a heron or something at the time) Ended up being a peacock? Has anyone else seen it there or was it just us? Only saw the thing once but we all essentially crapped ourselves at the sight


None of us had proper photography equipment at the time, haven't seen or heard it since. Every time we did hear it (and the place we inevitably saw it) was the tree infront of the iron gate near the garages and the generator room. Before anyone says it's some other bird, I had split off from my group to investigate some noise and found the damn thing on the ground and it was about the size of me. By the time I got the others it scaled the whole tree.

Actually wild this place is, very local and keep coming back and finding more and more things. If anyone reading this does go, please treat it with care and reverence, its not been treated well by vandals and random kids. Rather not expidite the decay.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Me and a few friends found this place a few weeks back and kept hearing a massive bird calling nearly everything we went (assumed it was a heron or something at the time) Ended up being a peacock? Has anyone else seen it there or was it just us? Only saw the thing once but we all essentially crapped ourselves at the sight

None of us had proper photography equipment at the time, haven't seen or heard it since. Every time we did hear it (and the place we inevitably saw it) was the tree infront of the iron gate near the garages and the generator room. Before anyone says it's some other bird, I had split off from my group to investigate some noise and found the damn thing on the ground and it was about the size of me. By the time I got the others it scaled the whole tree.

Actually wild this place is, very local and keep coming back and finding more and more things. If anyone reading this does go, please treat it with care and reverence, its not been treated well by vandals and random kids. Rather not expidite the decay.

It wont eat u its a peacock!

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