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Report - - Six of the best from Bishops Avenue, London - April/May 2019 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Six of the best from Bishops Avenue, London - April/May 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
back in the 90's I was a copper at a nearby police station....we had a callout for attempted theft of some curtains from an empty property on Bishops. The owner met us there and was livid there was not much we could do in protecting an essentially empty property. The curtains were worth thousands but the property stood empty,alarmed,but left for months, years even.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Absolutely love that retro staircase. Makes sense for these to all be in the same report, nice to compare them. Nice one


28DL Member
28DL Member
I really want to explore here but looking it up on google maps there seems to be a cctv camera sign, curious to know how you would go about here without getting caught.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I can remember driving along the Bishops Avenue numerous times in the seventies & eighties in the course of my work as a med/surg sales exec. It was a handy shortcut from Highgate to the North Circular Road. The houses were, with few exceptions, ridiculously overblown examples of what people with more money than they knew what to do with could dream up, or pay an architect to go off on one! It's hard to reconcile the fact that these multi-million pound palaces are now left empty to decay .. why weren't they sold or lived in by others? Doesn't make any sense! If these places are eventually bulldozed and a property developer is allowed to build a housing estate, those dwellings will need to be of the very highest quality and specification, otherwise current residents will be in uproar, for fear the tone of the place and the value of their houses become affected. It'll be a case of watch this space and revisit in 10 years, I guess.
Exactly. Rich people. Boggles the mind. Those swimming pools would have once had people relaxing oblivious to the woes or regular people i ntheir high rise flats. Wonder how they ever reconciled things with themselves if they ever did. where did they go? Maybe they put them on the market, and this is the top of the chain, and they couldn't/wouldn't lower the asking price and this is the result.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Best off just going and having a look……the road is in a constant state of abandonment/redevelopment,just look on Google maps sat view
Good idea, I’ll check Google when I’m ready to go. I’m in Liverpool so it’ll be a few months before I can get down there


28DL Member
28DL Member
I went to Bishops Ave today and it seems all good lots of kids though. Might be an armadillo so be careful, and avoid being seen bc rich mfs will call feds. Besides that be careful bc the floors are falling

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I went to Bishops Ave today and it seems all good lots of kids though. Might be an armadillo so be careful, and avoid being seen bc rich mfs will call feds. Besides that be careful bc the floors are falling

they are all fkd, burnt out or demolished, shame really.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
The Towers is one of the few left and that's gone down hill lots, many have been demolished and burnt out


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Oak Lodge is still there. There was a fire last year though.

Untitled design.jpg

oak lodge side 01.10.23.jpg

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