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Report - - Small Mines of the Crimea Pass, Blaenau Ffestiniog, North Wales, January 2022 | Mines and Quarries |

Report - Small Mines of the Crimea Pass, Blaenau Ffestiniog, North Wales, January 2022

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28DL Regular User
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When staying in Blaenau, there are multiple possibilities in terms of mine/quarry exploration. There are the big sites (Maenoffren, Rhosydd, Cwmorthin etc) but there are also a number of smaller, lesser-know sites. When on my hols, I tend to do my exploring in the morning while my family are asleep but in Winter, with it getting light around 8am and the weather being, well, typically Welsh, I had less time to play with. Hence, one morning, I decided to stay local and see what was literally a stone’s-throw from where we were staying. Not spectacular by any means but still part of the rich mining history of this wonderful neck of the woods.

Small Mines of the Crimea Pass


(A) Ffridd-y-bwlch slate mine
Can’ find a whole lot of info on this place. It’s easily accessed via a long path from the A470. The waste slate piles are sizeable but there is little in the way of evidence of where the waste has come from. There’s no visible adits or quarries, although to the west old maps indicate the presence of rises. The air shaft atop of the tip is for the three-mile long Bwlch-y-Cwm railway tunnel.

View from the miner’s track:


Close-up of the air shaft:


Looking over the waste tip towards the Llyn Fridd-y-bwlch reservoir:


Some sort of anchoring block next to the air shaft:


(B) Cloddfa Cribau slate mine
These two waste tips visible from the road looked hopeful, initially. However, once I’d hiked up the service road there was little there apart from the tips themselves. From the looks of an 1880 O/S map, they represented nothing more than a cluster of old former slate quarries.

This was the only thing of interest I found:


The view back down, over the two waste tips and on to the A470:


(c) Clogwyn Llwyd slate mine
This place looked more interesting. Behind a sizeable waste pile was situated a single adit. Sadly, as a learned earlier in the week, water levels are much higher in Winter, and having not packed my waders (school-boy error I won't repeat) most adits weren’t doable with just wellies. Shame, as this looked like a nice little mine.




On the way back down, saw this strange patch of barren land. Once I got closer, I saw it was covered in what I thought initially to be the discarded horseshoes from Blaenau’s many pit-ponies. Subsequent research, however, has suggested they are a pile of old army boots, tipped by the US army boot repairing factory in Blaenau Market Hall during World War 2.


(D) Bwlch Gorddinian slate mine
Finally, was this promising looking adit I’d previously spotted from the road. Again, very little history on this place. In the end it turned out to be a short trial adit and apparently, up the hill above it somewhere was a more substantial adit which sadly I didn’t have time to look for.

View looking up to the waste tip:

The adit:


Looking back down to the A470:


Initially it’s flooded:



Then, in a bit further, it dries out, before reaching a dead end:



And a quick shot of the miner’s track above the A470 to the west that linked a number of the mines up in the Crimea valley:


OK – that’s it for that one. Nothing too exciting but more interesting stuff to come shortly!
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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Another lovely place. Wales has so many old quarries and mines. Them old army boot steel reinforcement plates are great. Guess they would be steel.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Another lovely place. Wales has so many old quarries and mines. Them old army boot steel reinforcement plates are great. Guess they would be steel.
Cheers mate. Re: the boot plates, not sure are they steel as they are seriously rusted, so more likely that they are iron?


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Cheers mate. Re: the boot plates, not sure are they steel as they are seriously rusted, so more likely that they are iron?
Yeah I never thought of the rust. Just think of my work boots as steel plated. I guess maybe then iron was used more.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice, I've often wondered what those places were. Moral of the story - always pack waders or at least a change of clothes (although I must admit I don't always remember/CBA myself).

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
3rd photo on that last adit is a beaut. Really looks like the way in to Jurassic park. These mines fascinate me. Shame re the waders, maybe another time. Great photos. Enjoyed this.


Regular User
The spoil at Ffridd-y-bwlch is from the tunnel working and not from the slate quarry. There is a small adit running quickly to a blind below the spoil heap and it's possible another short adit was covered by the tunnel spoil


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice report and some lovely pics. That part of Wales is steeped in mining history and it's lovely to see some of the smaller mines/quarries. Good stuff!


Down t'pit
Regular User
Another great report Hughie. There is an open adit at Fridd-Y-Bwlch, it's behind and slightly lower down than the air shaft.


Edit:Just seen that this has already been mentioned
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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice, u did well to get a dry enough day to take them pics.
The boot heels are pretty amazing.
Was minimal rain that morning, just loads of wind!

Nice, I've often wondered what those places were. Moral of the story - always pack waders or at least a change of clothes (although I must admit I don't always remember/CBA myself).
Yup, taking waders ahead of wellies next time, for sure!

3rd photo on that last adit is a beaut. Really looks like the way in to Jurassic park. These mines fascinate me. Shame re the waders, maybe another time. Great photos. Enjoyed this.
Cheers @Calamity Jane
It does a bit, doesn't it. Sadly, no dinosaurs in there.

The spoil at Ffridd-y-bwlch is from the tunnel working and not from the slate quarry. There is a small adit running quickly to a blind below the spoil heap and it's possible another short adit was covered by the tunnel spoil
Ah, that makes sense and tallies with the map. One for next time.

Nice report and some lovely pics. That part of Wales is steeped in mining history and it's lovely to see some of the smaller mines/quarries. Good stuff!
Cheers mate. Yup. Blaenau is fantastic. Wish I'd had more time there.

Another great report Hughie. There is an open adit at Fridd-Y-Bwlch, it's behind and slightly lower down than the air shaft.


Edit:Just seen that this has already been mentioned
Nice pic mate. Will have a look see next time.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Found this on the inter-web about those boot segs...

"A local newspaper yesterday carried a story regarding the Gorddinan Pass towards Blaenau Ffestiniog on the A470. The pass also known as the Crimean Pass due to an old POW camp there, was the location for a massive bonfire of army boots gathered from both battlefield dead, and from demobed men during 1918. They were bought there using the slate quarries rail network, and stored in the slate caverns for sorting. Those unfit for use were then burnt on the Gorddinan Pass. The stain from the burnt boots bonfire is still visible today, as well as thousands of metalic boot pieces. Local info says that the bonfire burnt for weeks."


28DL Regular User
Regular User

(c) Clogwyn Llwyd slate mine - an up-date

So went back to this one recently with my waders packed in my backpack. The weather was even WORSE than the first time I went. Here's what I found.

Poor visibility looking out off the waste tip towards Blaenau:


Can't get over just how much this has dried out. Didn't even need my wellies, let alone waders:



Doesn't look promising:


In fact, it isn't. It quickly ends in a collapse.


Time to turn around...

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