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Report - - Snape wood mine, wadhurst 15-4-2021 | Mines and Quarries | Page 2 |

Report - Snape wood mine, wadhurst 15-4-2021

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Weirdy Beardy
28DL Full Member
Was a bit of a drama between people in a local FB group and KURG regarding who chopped off the padlock.

Been a while but recall there should be another small mine the otherside of the railway?


Probably underground somewhere
Regular User
I researched this and there is indeed a mine on the south side of the line it’s not as extensive as the seam of iron ore was not as prominent as the one on the northern side. it’s not accessible as it’s really unstable, I believe KURG only sunk the one shaft into the northern mine to survey so if there was a entrance to the southern mine it’s long gone, I spent quite a while walking around looking for it aswell


Weirdy Beardy
28DL Full Member
That sounds very familiar. Nothing lost though as its a really nice area for a walk.


Probably underground somewhere
Regular User
That sounds very familiar. Nothing lost though as its a really nice area for a walk.
Tell that to my calf’s lol, I’ve never walked up and down so many hills! But agreed it’s very picturesque

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