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Sony A6300/Aldwych station lens recommendation. | Photography and Video Forum |

Sony A6300/Aldwych station lens recommendation.

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Crash Commander

28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi guys! I’m doing a tour of Aldwhich underground station, and I’m hoping to bring my Sony A6300 along. I’m kind of torn between two lenses, either the Sony 10-18 f4, or the SamYang 12mm f2 AF? What would guys recommend?


One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
Personally I'd opt for the 10-18mm, it'll produce some nice wide shots that capture a lot of what is going on. Might just be me though, I've never been too keen on just having a Prime lens with me for this hobby.

But it might be worth taking both and having a play with them, it’ll be interesting to see how you get on.
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Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
That’s a decent camera to use and my personal choice would be the 12mm.

Prime wins every single time in my opinion. I sold all my zooms last year and replaced them with various primes. That decision was based on my personal experiences.

As you can see from the first two replies being so different though, the answer is totally subjective to the person asking the question.

Can’t you take both?

Crash Commander

28DL Member
28DL Member
i Should have been clearer, I only have the budget to get one lens. My bad. I’m just a bit concerned with the 10-18 as although it has a great wide zoom range, in low light underground, I think f4 is not going to be my friend. I like the SamYang 12mm F2 autofocus, but I’m wondering if it’s a bit too wide, plus I lose the convenience of the zoom, even though with F2 it should be better in low light.