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Southampton Urbex

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi guys, James here-

Taken some time away from urbex but looking to get back into it again- safe to say I’ve missed it! I’ve recently moved to Southampton, so I was wondering- what’s the best places you’ve explored in this area? I’ve been all across the country but never really touched upon Hampshire!

Let me know what you guys like in this area and I’ll try write some new reports/take a new set of images alongside this.


Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Welcome. Have a read of these two threads to let you know how things work around here and to give you an idea of how to start.

Asking for locations straight away won't get you very far, these threads also explain why.

Best thing to do is get some reports up if you've already been to a few places or use the search box and see whats in your local area. Once you have a couple of reports up people will be far more likely to invite you out/trade locations.

Look forward to seeing some reports :thumb

Any other questions just ask.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Welcome. Have a read of these two threads to let you know how things work around here and to give you an idea of how to start.

Asking for locations straight away won't get you very far, these threads also explain why.

Best thing to do is get some reports up if you've already been to a few places or use the search box and see whats in your local area. Once you have a couple of reports up people will be far more likely to invite you out/trade locations.

Look forward to seeing some reports :thumb

Any other questions just ask.

Cheers! Been on here for 2 years so I know my way around, just mainly looking for what people like the most in this area!

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Ahh right sorry, I thought you were asking for locations but youve been around long enough to know how well that goes down.

As for recommendations then I like the Rockstone on Onslow Rd. Good beer not tried the food though.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi guys, James here-

Taken some time away from urbex but looking to get back into it again- safe to say I’ve missed it! I’ve recently moved to Southampton, so I was wondering- what’s the best places you’ve explored in this area? I’ve been all across the country but never really touched upon Hampshire!

Let me know what you guys like in this area and I’ll try write some new reports/take a new set of images alongside this.

I live in Southampton too and wondering if there anyone that wants to do urbex with me

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