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Report - Springs Hotel, Oxfordshire

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
And some more as I realised they didn’t all load properly. And yes..some are watermarked by another name. My exploring friend Will who came with me on this explore.

And some more as I realised they didn’t all load properly. And yes..some are watermarked by another name. My exploring friend Will who came with me on this explore.
We are company who have purchased this beautiful old building.
Whilst we appreciate you are only exploring, may we politely ask you to refrain from exploring in the future.
The hotel actually has some VERY SERIOUS STRUCTURAL ISSUES and could pose a threat to your safety.
We have now put in place security measures and will prosecute anyone found to be trespassing.


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
I use an app called photo resizer on my mobile but the quick and dirty way is to simply email the pictures to yourself and resize accordingly.

Great first report, looks a nice mooch.
I'm with you on the other people thing, you're forever jumping at the noises they are making and scared to do anything yourself. I often have a couple places in mind on a trip out so would normally move on myself, well done for sticking it out.


Leave Only Footprints
28DL Full Member
We are company who have purchased this beautiful old building.
Whilst we appreciate you are only exploring, may we politely ask you to refrain from exploring in the future.
The hotel actually has some VERY SERIOUS STRUCTURAL ISSUES and could pose a threat to your safety.
We have now put in place security measures and will prosecute anyone found to be trespassing.
Done it it now! Don’t need to do it again. Thanks for your concern though. Appreciate that you care so much.

mockney reject

Staff member
We are company who have purchased this beautiful old building.
Whilst we appreciate you are only exploring, may we politely ask you to refrain from exploring in the future.
The hotel actually has some VERY SERIOUS STRUCTURAL ISSUES and could pose a threat to your safety.
We have now put in place security measures and will prosecute anyone found to be trespassing.

Great English there.


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Being told to stay away 3 times now has just made my mind up to go visit the place. It's pristine compared to some of the places we get to so I'll take my chances on the safety side, cheers.


Leave Only Footprints
28DL Full Member
Being told to stay away 3 times now has just made my mind up to go visit the place. It's pristine compared to some of the places we get to so I'll take my chances on the safety side, cheers.
Too right! No good telling me not to go again. Done it already! The woodwork in there is beautiful.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
We are company who have purchased this beautiful old building.
Whilst we appreciate you are only exploring, may we politely ask you to refrain from exploring in the future.
The hotel actually has some VERY SERIOUS STRUCTURAL ISSUES and could pose a threat to your safety.
We have now put in place security measures and will prosecute anyone found to be trespassing.

What structural issues? It's perhaps the most solid building I have explored all year.

The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
We are company who have purchased this beautiful old building.
Whilst we appreciate you are only exploring, may we politely ask you to refrain from exploring in the future.
The hotel actually has some VERY SERIOUS STRUCTURAL ISSUES and could pose a threat to your safety.
We have now put in place security measures and will prosecute anyone found to be trespassing.

May I suggest you have a quick read of the law regarding trespass :thumb


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
I think they've put a sign up saying the only way you can get in is by breaking somthing so the best they are hoping for is agrivated trespass which they will never get to stick in a million years even if they decided to pay the money to get you to court.
I do empathise a bit but they are targeting the wrong people, were not the ones that will burn it down.
Giving these threats just waves a red rag to some people.


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Yes scarlett, due to our squatters and homeless rights, trespass on its own isnt a crime, security gripping you to stop you leaving is. If you break stuff there is agrivated trespass but if they can't get ally law they won't get sensible urbexers lol.


Leave Only Footprints
28DL Full Member
I think they've put a sign up saying the only way you can get in is by breaking somthing so the best they are hoping for is agrivated trespass which they will never get to stick in a million years even if they decided to pay the money to get you to court.
I do empathise a bit but they are targeting the wrong people, were not the ones that will burn it down.
Giving these threats just waves a red rag to some people.
Yeah damn right. It’s a shame people assume it’s us the burn buildings down, take stuff, break stuff. True explorers don’t do that. It’s so sad what happens to places.