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Report - - St. Ann's Hospital Mortuary, Tottenham, London - July 2015 | Asylums and Hospitals | Page 2 |

Report - St. Ann's Hospital Mortuary, Tottenham, London - July 2015

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
excellent pics i worked at an old hospital in hyde when i was 17 and we had a little morgue like that with all the same eqipt the trolley in front of the fridges with the blue sheet on was for moving the boddies from the ward to the morgue all our wards were seperate buildings all outside so to get the boddies to the morgue without anyone seeing them we used one of these trollys thanks for sharing


28DL Member
28DL Member
Sweet!!! This was my little secret for ages! There's loads of interesting bits and pieces shut away behind those doors, the vials of pure adrenaline being my particular favourite.

I was cycling by last night in the p*ssing rain and saw someone by the back door under a black umbrella looking very haunting. Anyone on here?!
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I should have danced all night
28DL Full Member
I really liked this place, it was about 200 yards from where I used to live so we'd pop in there a lot. There's some modern bits that are empty too but very stripped and boring.


Sweet!!! This was my little secret for ages! There's loads of interesting bits and pieces shut away behind those doors, the vials of pure adrenaline being my particular favourite.

I was cycling by last night in the p*ssing rain and saw someone by the back door under a black umbrella looking very haunting. Anyone on here?!

Haha I assume it was someone on here. I've alread recieved a few messages about the place.
Funnily enough, it's thanks to you I found it! So all thanks to you man! Big respect for the stuff you're up to.

Love this little beaut.... Is it still do-able????

I assume so, have a look :)

I really liked this place, it was about 200 yards from where I used to live so we'd pop in there a lot. There's some modern bits that are empty too but very stripped and boring.

Nice area of London, wish I lived there >:/
Shame about the rest of the place. Interesting design/layout for a hospital.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Amazing pictures!
I couldn't get into the Morgue (locked down) but before I had a lengthy conversation about child development and religious history with the super nice security guard there, I was able to snap a few empty St Annes externals.
NHS are extremely keen not to have any pictures taken of the estate as per usual they get nowt but public-outrage and media-hate during these times.

Haha good shots but do we really need to see them here? Put them up in general photography,

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