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Report - St Joseph’s Orphanage – Preston – February 2018

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Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
You can complain when they have been following along to all the places you have kindly shared with everyone over the years yet when its time to repay the favour something like this happens... Regardless of that, this sort of thing is the number one cause of all the bad shit thats gone down in exploring over the years really. What people dont know they cant get angry about, but if you start waving stuff under peoples noses giving it the whole 'look what i found but i aint telling you' bollocks then it just breeds conflict and hostility.

oh and i would not be at all surprised to see that one re-assembled and on the urbex trail one day! That or someone smashes it trying..


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
ha ha ha Exploring with Jake is an utter cockwomble, spaffing it out as an asylum and spitting his dummy out when I corrected him and gave him full history! Frikken goontuber (yes I know he has also joined 28 that doesn't change a goddamn thing! he is still a clickbait knob).

Awesome pics there though @mockney reject gutted we couldn't join you as this is one of those places that is a little bit special to me and I get more than a little pissed when people can't even be arsed to do their research properly.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ok after my initial rant maybe I should explain why this place means something to me.

This was my first proper foray into exploring and to be fair my first visit here was actually a kind of permission visit, my parents knew the dude at the estate agents, he gave us the keys and said go for it. Now I'm going back to about 2008-2009 (before I properly got into exploring as my ex-husband hated the whole exploring thing with a passion and banned me from doing it - but that's another story, but fuck him, I went and explored it anyway!)

Me and Pixie covered this place, yes we had the keys but all the doors were boarded up so we did the sensible thing, went home and grabbed a cordless drill, went back through the main gates, back inside and scoped the whole place! Or so we thought as we never came across this! I've been back and still not come across this!

We did, however, spook ourselves out in the basement when we came across a body shaped form covered by a rug, that in itself wasn't an issue it was the plastic flowers laid next to it that made us think yeah, I'm not looking under that rug lol. The best advice I can also give is don't go exploring dark places with one mini maglight between you lol.

It is somewhere that will always mean a lot to me and seeing it deteriorate the way it has saddened me. So when @mockney reject said there was a mortuary table there I was deffo "nooooooo way mate I've covered that place, it doesn't have a morgue let alone a slab"

Guess I was wrong lol


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Just think of the possibilities, the unlikely locations somebody could 'create' a mortuary in. I always thought the Grand Cinema could do with a slab.

When moving the cane hill slabs ecently to Disco's new house we honestly considered making up a new mortuary for the shits and giggles it would cause