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Report - St Josephs Sinks Upholand 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Revisit to see the sinks, my first visit was about 10 years ago after been told about the sinks and everything else was a bonus,
St Joseph’s Seminary at Upholland opened in 1883, the first phase was built to a design by James O’Bryne. Set amongst a backdrop of copse and wildwood amidst gently sloping fields, the buildings are flanked with rough-hewn stone. An upper and lower lake are separated by a gentle and soothing waterfall. The 150 acres of land the seminary is built upon had been purchased at auction in 1877. The grandeur of the chapels, meeting rooms, fixtures and fittings was unbelievable.
The seminary was closed during WW1 and reopened in 1919 along with a junior seminary. The second phase of construction commenced in 1923. The design was in a different style to the original buildings, however it was equally as grand. Landscaped gardens and sports facilities were also completed by 1927. A new chapel was added in 1930 along with 14 sub chapels. The final addition to the site was a science block.

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A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
Lots of great reports, but I'm curious what you think you're gaining by posting on 28? You've not replied to a single comment on your reports and you've not commented on any other reports? - You seem a bit isolated?


Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
Lots of great reports, but I'm curious what you think you're gaining by posting on 28? You've not replied to a single comment on your reports and you've not commented on any other reports? - You seem a bit isolated?

Maybe xox is just enjoying sharing his/her photos and experience?

The OP has put up some cracking reports in a short space of time. I’d rather see that than a load of blah blah comments like.

I know it’s a forum community etc and I totally understand your original point but just putting my thoughts out there.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Lots of great reports, but I'm curious what you think you're gaining by posting on 28? You've not replied to a single comment on your reports and you've not commented on any other reports? - You seem a bit isolated?

Maybe because thats kind of the point of UE? I know thats a bit lost on a lot of people nowadays but going exploring and showing people what you've found is kind of the point for me!