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Report - St. Josephs Seminary, Upholland - April 23

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
yeah I’m named on the injunction 🤣🤣, spoke with Derwent (the owners myself) the court order is against everyone not just me, me and some others were just the ones that could be named, I’m good mates with the security on the site apart from 1 that was blaming me for 90% of the stuff I wasn’t anywere near, this should of been done years ago and maybe the building will be in better condition, and no I didn’t have to pay any court costs or anything as it’s a for everyone not just the named people


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
LOL, yet another injunction, good to see that Mr Airborne clown being done over by this one as well.

It's poetic seeing all these tools being banged to rights finally.
We’re not all clowns, most of the stuff I had apparently done according to Derwent wasn’t actually me they blamed me because I was the only name they knew, I love that building and in a lot of times stopped people from trashing it aswell with speaking with security and helped then when 20 16 year olds were trying to get in and was smashing cars and windows with stones, so before you comment how about find out the truth of stuff first ey ?

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
We’re not all clowns, most of the stuff I had apparently done according to Derwent wasn’t actually me they blamed me because I was the only name they knew, I love that building and in a lot of times stopped people from trashing it aswell with speaking with security and helped then when 20 16 year olds were trying to get in and was smashing cars and windows with stones, so before you comment how about find out the truth of stuff first ey ?

fair comment but hes not wrong Mr Airborne is a clown & needs banishing from the face of the earth


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
fair comment but hes not wrong Mr Airborne is a clown & needs banishing from the face of the earth
I do know him myself met him few times and to a extent I do agree some of the stuff he does is bad but if you get to know him he’s actually a decent lad but don’t condone some of his stuff

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