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Report - - St Martins Hospital, Kent - November 2022 | Asylums and Hospitals | Page 2 |

Report - St Martins Hospital, Kent - November 2022

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"The Pump People"
Regular User
You got some nice externals I didn't stop to shoot it with wanting to get out of the open asap
I always leave the externals till last. I had completely done the internals and was then on the way out so if I got caught while walking around the outside it was no biggie. And by that point I was sure there was nobody around. Its nice from the outside.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
I always leave the externals till last. I had completely done the internals and was then on the way out so if I got caught while walking around the outside it was no biggie. And by that point I was sure there was nobody around. Its nice from the outside.
Certainly a wise approach!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Unfortunately this place is planned to be demolished for (yet another) new housing estate, the present Canterbury Council is very pro housebuilding, much to the dismay of many people in the area.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Unfortunately this place is planned to be demolished for (yet another) new housing estate, the present Canterbury Council is very pro housebuilding, much to the dismay of many people in the area.
That's a shame it's a nice building in good nick isn't it, would make a decent conversion


Flaxenation of the G!!!
Regular User
Im sure it'll be here for a while longer, these housing developments always take time with the red tape etc, much like RAF Upwood.
Doubt that. The army barracks across the road went really quick after closure and already a housing estate. I think the same firm are building here too so I'd imagine they will be making a start on the place this year.

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