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Report - - St Mary's Hospital, Stannington - 2014 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - St Mary's Hospital, Stannington - 2014

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi everyone,

I'm Abby, I'm very much new here so I thought I'd say hello and tell you guys a bit about myself.
I've been exploring abandoned spaces for around 11 years now, it started in school with a photography project in which I decided to photograph forgotten places and I fell in love with finding and exploring them. There's definitely a beauty in stumbling across a run down building that time forgot!

I decided to share a few photos from one of my favourite places that I visited back in 2014 - it has since been pulled down sadly.

I'm sure a few of you guys had visited St Mary's while it was still around, there are only a few photos attached as funds didn't allow for a decent camera back in the day so the vast majority were sadly out of focus.

Please enjoy






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I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
No photos showing - make sure you click the 'insert full images' button before you post the thread.


O high
Staff member
I feel this is more of an introduction thread - welcome to the forum :thumb

Have a read of this if you're unsure of how to post a location report:



28DL Member
28DL Member
Thanks for your help, I'd attached the images but hadn't pressed 'insert full image' I hope they are there now:confused:

Dear me haha

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Hi Abby, welcome to 28dl, good effort, and thank you for posting & joining us . :thumb Yep I can see them all

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