After a pretty unsuccessful day, (we got busted and ejected within 15 minutes inside at Pyestock).
On the return journey we dropped into Silverlands and nearby in the course of mooching about stumbled upon this little jem.
One of my mantras is that 'things happen for a reason', the discovery of this place more than made up for the 'early bath' at Pyestock.
Originally St. Peter’s Hospital was built to serve casualties of the Second World War, The mortuary was built in the 1940's on the edge of the site.
However after extensive redevelopment of the site, the mortuary was found to be too small to cope with the increase in cadavers.
This mortuary was shut down in April 2009 and moved to the new building which is central to to main hospital
#1 It didn't look that interesting at first
#2 Chapel of rest
#3 Tiny viewing room (behind the curtains)
#6 Row of fridges
#8 Second row of fridges opposite first row
#10 Trays still in place.
#11 Toe tag (Good old NHS patient confidentiality)
#12 Sluice room
#13 The money shot!
#14 Reminded me of Harold Wood.
#15 Skanky old drain from mortuary table.
#16 Bright as a new pin
#18 Final staff farewell?
On the return journey we dropped into Silverlands and nearby in the course of mooching about stumbled upon this little jem.
One of my mantras is that 'things happen for a reason', the discovery of this place more than made up for the 'early bath' at Pyestock.
Originally St. Peter’s Hospital was built to serve casualties of the Second World War, The mortuary was built in the 1940's on the edge of the site.
However after extensive redevelopment of the site, the mortuary was found to be too small to cope with the increase in cadavers.
This mortuary was shut down in April 2009 and moved to the new building which is central to to main hospital
#1 It didn't look that interesting at first
#2 Chapel of rest
#3 Tiny viewing room (behind the curtains)
#6 Row of fridges
#8 Second row of fridges opposite first row
#10 Trays still in place.
#11 Toe tag (Good old NHS patient confidentiality)
#12 Sluice room
#13 The money shot!
#14 Reminded me of Harold Wood.
#15 Skanky old drain from mortuary table.
#16 Bright as a new pin
#18 Final staff farewell?