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Star shaped area in Belgium blurred on Google Maps? | Other Sites |

Star shaped area in Belgium blurred on Google Maps?

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28DL Member
28DL Member
I stumbled upon this star shaped place last night and noticed the satellite view was pixelated on Google Maps but blurred on Apple Maps. Interestingly, the 3D version of Apple Maps is not blurred out and you can zoom right in but I’ve no idea what it is/was and cannot find anything online. I suspected it was an old concentration camp as it has a single road and railway line going in and out, plus it’s surrounded by water.

Can anyone give us an idea as to what this place is?







I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
It'll be an old fort, one of more than a few star shaped forts around Belgium and that area.


28DL Regular User
28DL Full Member
clearly its where the lizards landed in 1940 and where hitlers famous "under ground solar lamps" where forged, in all serious @mookster is right they censor a bunch of shit in benelux on google maps


28DL Full Member
It's called the " Fort van Zwijndrecht "
You can visit it legally with a guide and it's one of the 8 fort's around Antwerp
they were used to defend Antwerp in the world wars

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