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Report - - Stewartby Brickworks - Bedford - September 2020 (Picture Heavy) | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Stewartby Brickworks - Bedford - September 2020 (Picture Heavy)

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Yh they do come round now, I was in main hopper building few months back & they came in building, still easy to hide from em though, we hid behind plinth in old generator room at end of that building, he actually walked in that room & didnt even see us lol


28DL Member
28DL Member
When I visited some years ago I found this incredibly morbid report lying around, couldn't believe it was just sitting there

accident report.jpg


28DL Member
28DL Member
I remember seeing the demolition video back in 2021 on the BBC website and as a native Bedfordian, it was very upsetting :(
I was laying in a hedge on site when they demolished the chimneys. I got in there about half an hour before the crew arrived and one ended up sitting nearby so I couldn't leave. Got a video of it though.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I got caught back in the summer but the security left at 5. They do seem to patrol it now which is strange. When the chimneys were still there I never saw security, there was a cardboard cutout of a security guard in the hut :rofl
When I first started going in 2015 there were multiple guys who used to chase after you in the car and on foot, some good times hiding from them ;). I went there a few weeks ago and the guy in the hut came out and just looked at us but didn't do anything.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
When I first started going in 2015 there were multiple guys who used to chase after you in the car and on foot, some good times hiding from them ;). I went there a few weeks ago and the guy in the hut came out and just looked at us but didn't do anything.
they were never very good from my experience

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
When I visited some years ago I found this incredibly morbid report lying around, couldn't believe it was just sitting there

thats sad but a extraordinarily brief letter, if someone breaks a fingernail now I end up doing a 10 page report!

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