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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Me and my friends (5 of us) have moved to Surrey from an undescloded location ;). And we have been previously doing urbex but we have no idea of any places to visit. We sadly cannot go very far due to some issues so we prefer to stay in surrey or Guildford area. If you have any cool locations we could visit then PM me and tell me if you want it to be kept secret or if I can make a post about it. Idk the general rules around Surrey (if any). So please explan if there are any.
Again all 5 of us have been urbexing for 3 year or more depending on the person so don't think we are amatures. But I haven't made a post asking for help yet I have just come across the locations while driving and others in my group handle the rest so please bear with me.
Thank you Internet!


Has a weak spot for staircases
28DL Full Member
Just a guess but I'm guessing you've all moved into Guildford uni

Probably best you use the search function here people don't tend to just give places out

Look foward to seeing your reports


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Loads of stuff in Surrey. Get searching and you will find.


Queller of the uprising

Welcome to the site!

Have a read of the following link to help you get a feel of the site and how things work:

And have a read of this guide to help you posting a report:

There’s tonnes out there, use the search box to your aid and you may even find something in your area!

I look forward to seeing some pictures and reports soon! Just shout if you have any questions!