Out and about around west yorkshire i decided to check out a possible couple of culverts id seen on maps . The first one was across the road from Cleckheaton fire station
stinky stagnant water
more rocky than a lunar landscape and stoopy as hell ! oh well
could see light at the end of the tunnel as well so it was about turn and check out the other culvert .
This looked more promising twin stone arches at the infall at the side of the A58 across the road from starbucks access was easy peasy in to the Spen river
going down the right hand tunnel the culvert was almost bone dry , a chain was swung across so went back outside and went down the left hand culvert were the main flow of water was
moving on downstream
looking back to the start, There were these wooden boards to climb over this was the only deep bit of the explore ( thigh deep )
then looking forward the stone arches gone and replaced with concrete box section
twin box section just like the arches this was the other drier side
view downstream from the drier right hand side
back to the left hand side box looking back to the start
then view downstream left hand side totally blocked so back over to the other side
A bit further on and 2 became one tunnel it also increased in height which was welcome as the first concrete bit unlike the arches was stoopy
view downstream ,wasnt a small culvert this but was messy !
knee deep in places but quite rocky you can see with all the bits of grass and stuff how high the water has been !
change in styles here and an incoming water pipe couldnt see the bottom here so had to go carefully
not sure what was going on above ground ( or below ) but this wall was hot and the water was steaming of it never encountered this in a culvert before
this bit was a challenge was misty with the steam and had to crawl past a large blockage did consider turning back but glad i pushed on
looking back upstream thankfully the steam or mist cleared
concrete sides replaced brickwork
looking back upstream
light at the end
last look back
the outfall back under the bridge were i found a pair of bolt croppers !
easy climb out on to the b6121 hunsworth lane , Enjoyed this one quite a length and not small it was however messy thanks for viewing