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Video Report - Tames Valley University june 2018

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A Porky Prime Cut
Regular User
I don't think we should criticise individuals so quickly. It is known that the person putting up this report has autism. Autism affects people in different ways. But most autistic people see, hear and experience the world differently from people without autism. Autism is a lifelong condition that affects how people communicate and interact with others. We should be congratulating him for visiting sites and putting up reports, not just picking faults, although I would like to see pictures rather than a video. Remember the saying "There but for the grace of God go I". Constructive criticism would be much better.


Amateur and proud
28DL Full Member
If videos are your thing then there are some great (isolated, but great) examples of how to do this the right way on here. Seek out some of the posts by @UrbandonedTeam for example, and I am sure you will get some ideas. Personally, I have no time for the majority of exploration videos but sometimes they can be done well.

Lewis Merrin

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I don't think we should criticise individuals so quickly. It is known that the person putting up this report has autism. Autism affects people in different ways. But most autistic people see, hear and experience the world differently from people without autism. Autism is a lifelong condition that affects how people communicate and interact with others. We should be congratulating him for visiting sites and putting up reports, not just picking faults, although I would like to see pictures rather than a video. Remember the saying "There but for the grace of God go I". Constructive criticism would be much better.
Oh thank someone understand not like someone people


I'm an atheist and there's no excuse for misspelling Thames
Must be nice to be perfect, no spelling mistakes, no errors. Last year you commented "Yes mate loads of em " - surely that should be them not em - no excuses for poor grammar - but then I guess it's one rule for you. Your comment made 1/10/18 - probably more but I'm too busy to check.


A Porky Prime Cut
Regular User
Must be nice to be perfect, no spelling mistakes, no errors. Last year you commented "Yes mate loads of em " - surely that should be them not em - no excuses for poor grammar - but then I guess it's one rule for you. Your comment made 1/10/18 - probably more but I'm too busy to check.

Too busy, but you just found that little bit of time to scrape through Paul's past. I would argue that using slang purposely, is not the same as shite grammar. No wotta mean?

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Must be nice to be perfect, no spelling mistakes, no errors. Last year you commented "Yes mate loads of em " - surely that should be them not em - no excuses for poor grammar - but then I guess it's one rule for you. Your comment made 1/10/18 - probably more but I'm too busy to check.

Oh deer weev got a rite wopr hear havent we.
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Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
Have a little respect, guys. Yes, this should be in the video group, but there's no need for the rest of these insults. Not everyone is fortunate enough to be as literate as you, through no fault of their own. Some of the things being said here are no different to racism or homophobia, and there should be no place for that on this forum.


Massive Member
Regular User
Must be nice to be perfect, no spelling mistakes, no errors. Last year you commented "Yes mate loads of em " - surely that should be them not em - no excuses for poor grammar - but then I guess it's one rule for you. Your comment made 1/10/18 - probably more but I'm too busy to check.

What's more worrying is that you have gone back through 6 months of posts to find a deliberate colloquialism


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