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Report - - Tata Orb Electrical Steels, Newport, South Wales - March 2020 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Tata Orb Electrical Steels, Newport, South Wales - March 2020

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28DL Member
28DL Member

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Should be able to post some more photos, but have to be careful because I'm still working for the company if you know what I mean


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I actually had the experience of working in the Orb from 2018 up until they closed the gates for good! I hope you enjoyed seeing what was once a thriving workplace. Many memories were made with a lot of great blokes.
I worked on the D-Lines with some absolute characters, which I'll never forget.
Shame they closed the only Specialist Electrical Steel Plant in the UK, it could've been thriving again with a bit of investment. It was strange hearing it so quiet as they shut down the lines/Mills one by one, it became quite eerie and spooky in certain areas of the plant.
All the Processes are most likely being used in Ijmuiden now which is a shame as they've always had the upper hand when it comes to steel making.
Didn't Tata give some assurances that that was the one site that was safe because of it's specialty production status?
I appreciate I could be wrong and big business says one thing and does another but Newport sticks in my mind from when Tata stepped in as the saviour of the UK steel industry
Nice post and pics

P. S. I am usually the PV of any given situation

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