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Lead or Rumour info - Tata Steel, Port Talbot

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Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
May need to give this a look
Some people have had their eyes on it for a while but it isn’t being shut down if I remember right, it’s just that the old smelters are being replaced with modern electric ones. It’s worth keeping a look on it but it won’t be an easy one.

I’d love to see it myself, Port Talbot is absolutely massive, went by it when on my holidays, it had that Baglan Bag power station I never got to see.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Mate, take the hint. We've been exploring it for the past 20+ years on and off. Obviously there's been a lot more interest since it was announced most of it would close but its clearly not something that should be being discussed in public while its still available to explore..

Inevitably the goons have heard about it too, been there, got caught, spammed it on every Facebook group/tiktok channel they can find for likes and its become really quite difficult now.. Still the less hassle tata get the more complacent they could get so keep it to yourself and dont feed the bellends.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Security here is still really tight as they are still workers around most days. Someone has posted a vid online of them climbing the old blast furnaces if anyone is interested


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It's always a problem with social media. They want to share things to gain attention. I share almost none of my photos in public, or wait until it's no longer relevant. But that's because I go exploring for my own fun rather than for trying to build a social media following.