I came across this and made an account to comment! i bumped into you whilst on the explore (I was on my way into the tower at the time! scared the jeebies out of me and a friend!)
I came across this and made an account to comment! i bumped into you whilst on the explore (I was on my way into the tower at the time! scared the jeebies out of me and a friend!)
haha it was good fun, i've been back to Terry's and explored the tunnels which was great. Other than that not alot, just a bit of light roof topping in Sheffield. I fancy putting a report together (so watch this space!) I'll be exploring more around York soon
I'll keep an eye out on the forums for some inspiration
if there was an open entrance and you went in exploring could the police do anything ? for me and a minor and the place is now open round the back towards the car park theres a hole in the big plated bit whatu could crawl through 10th of may 2015 !
Yeah, it's civil trespass, worst you'll get is slapped wrists and a bollocking by the police, sometimes they try it on with the caught in an enclosed space act (Something like that) but that usually only equates to a few hours down the station for further wrist slapping and bollockings.
That said, I'm not the law so don't take that as gospel!
The secca at Terry's are sound though apparently, I've not been caught there myself but those who have said they've had little bother from them, just been asked to leave.