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Report - - The Forbidden Road - France - July 2019 | European and International Sites | Page 2 |

Report - The Forbidden Road - France - July 2019

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Brilliant photos. I was hoping someone woud just climb over the fence and show us what it's like. Thanks! I was there just today standing outside those gates trying to get a view. As I rode away a van drove straight up to the gates. I waited there near the new tunnel entrance to see if they would go in, but I guess they may have been wary of my presence so I eventually left them to it and rode off.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks for that, it’s a lovely road with brilliant scenery, it appears to be in very good condition, what a shame they won’t open it to walkers & cyclists.
I Can understand why they haven't, the rocks are constantly coming down and it would be too risky

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