Can't find much info on this one at all.
Not even sure how long this building has been sitting here for (possibly been sitting here empty for a good 20 years or so, but it looks in very good condition considering). There were plans to convert the old pub into a hotel with office spaces, however Colchester Council claimed the plans were not viable, so fresh plans have been made to extend the back side of the building so that it can be converted into a 100 seater restaurant.
Colchester Council also say there is no demand there for a restaurant or hotel but the owners disagrees saying that its very viable, especially being located so close to Colchester Zoo.
The Explore:
In a group of three, with three explores planned for the day, we actually stumbled across this one accidentally. First explore in the morning was very easy and successful. Second one wasn't as successful, sadly. And our third planned explore was a bit out of the way compared to the first two and we didn't actually know quite what or where it was. Sat in the car at our second explore struggling to get any signal to research our third explore, we drove 5 minutes down the road to try find some sweet, sweet internet. driving along I made a joke, saying "c'mon, there's got to be something around here, imagine if there is". 1 minute later pulling up to a junction, we stumble across an abandoned pub. (WAAHHEEYY).
With nowhere sensible or safe to park that wasn't directly in the half of the pub car park that wasn't blocked off by fencing, we drove around for five minutes looking for somewhere discreet or out of the way to park up at, failing that we just parked directly outside of the pub. As per, another easy walk around the fence job to gain entry to the grounds, getting into the actual pub took a few minutes of hunting around however. But, we found a way and in we went, very happy we stumbled across it! looking out at all the cars driving past and getting worried the surrounding houses might see us inside, but it was all good.
After having a good, long undisturbed mooch around, we headed for our exit, put everything back how it was found and made our way home

The Heckford Angel:
The Bar (Whats left of it)
The Upstairs:
The Cleanest Urbex Fridge I've Come Across:
Weirdly My Favorite Thing I Saw:
Thanks for reading! Happy hunting.