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Report - - The Hippodrome - Derby, February 2022 | Theatres and Cinemas | Page 2 |

Report - The Hippodrome - Derby, February 2022

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Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Man I remember when it all kicked off when he the owners sent in the diggers. Really now it looks beyond any sort of salvaging - shame because pre roof demo/fire it was.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice report from my area.. sadly another case of a develop neglecting it until it's beyond repair so they can knock it down and build on it.


28DL Member
28DL Member
So sad to see it decay like this, I was part of the original campaign to save this, remember Chris Harris fondly before his passing was so focused on saving this place. It's incredible that any part of it still stands.

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