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Report - - The Navy Ship - Birkenhead - Dec 22 | Military Sites | Page 2 |

Report - The Navy Ship - Birkenhead - Dec 22

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A friend of mine was caught by security recently doing this one, so I don't know if it's off the table now.


28DL Regular User
28DL Full Member
This place has had similar footfall to Camelot this past week looking at Facebook :rofl
It's the North West isn't it, everyone and there dog sticks there noses where they shouldn't be up here!


Security will be tighter for a while at least because its one of those ones that got all over Facebook and so "news" sites did their 'check out these...' click bait coverage. They'll be expecting dozens of vandals and arsonists to march on the docks.

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