The Porcelain Factory
In operation for nearly 200yr this factory started primarily making tableware & employed around 200 people.
Eastern Europe was then the only market but fortunately their products were still seen as a luxury good.
Bankruptcy was imminent, but shortly after there was a last ditch attempt to save the company.
The company survived till 2014 before finally closing its doors.
The Explore
Not much to tell really, did this place with my main Eu exploring crew along with a superb if chilly 5 day trip.
Access was unbelievably easy & we bumped into several other explorers inside but the place is huge so were uninterrupted for most our visit.
It is IMO a superb place, considering its lengthy abandonment there is soo much to see & its one of those places that just seems to get better the deeper u dive.
So starting at the lower floors, there is LOTS of old pottery.
Bizarrely there is a military stretcher laying outside
Going into the main production area its difficult to walk across the floor in places
The overlooking office has a few bits of old paperwork
cool little side room