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Report - - The West Bromwich Spring Co. - Helical Works - 2012 to 2014 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - The West Bromwich Spring Co. - Helical Works - 2012 to 2014

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Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Unfortunately WB Spring is now just rubble. Bit of a fail on not doing the 40% that still remained live when i posted this report, not to mention all the greats stuff in there that went in the scrap metal skips.. :(


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Unfortunately WB Spring is now just rubble. Bit of a fail on not doing the 40% that still remained live when i posted this report, not to mention all the greats stuff in there that went in the scrap metal skips.. :(

Oh no, don't say that. I was thinking about the place the other day wondering whether I should have another crack at it!! :(


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Moved it yesterday. Think quite a few people have been but not put photos up.


28DL Full Member
Wouldn’t have ever gone back as I nearly died getting in here - hahaha was mint though - shame it’s all gone


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Gutted its gone. Would have loved a wander round here.
I work in a place literally the same as this. 100 year old machinery housed in a knackered 130 year old building cluttered up to the nines.
I can imagine all the quality tools & stuff theyv just lobbed into a scrap skip.