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Report - - The Works / Inhospitable ,Manchester ,April 2022 | UK Draining Forum |

Report - The Works / Inhospitable ,Manchester ,April 2022

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Big shout up to Nuboid for flagging this one up and joining me on this explore , Meeting up before 8 on a chilly morning this was our first drain explore in the city of Manchester and we where not disappointed . Climbing in to the river Irk and wadding through the knee deep rather fast flowing water we arrived at the start point

After snapping this first pic the battery in my camera decided to retire ! luckily i always carry a couple of spares phew !!!!

large diameter brick built pipe the largest i have seen

starting to get a bit more rocky underfoot


a large part of the drain had been spraycreted for extra strength


well i have seen some things down drains but a chandler ! wow thats a first lol

one pipe had been bricked up here for some reason

love the colours in this pic taken at the bottom of the staircase looking downstream

wow never seen anything like this before

at the top of the staircase 2 small pipes go under the penstock we followed the stairs up to the left



looking up the manhole steps there was a branch of to the right from reading other reports we knew this would lead us to the penstock control

climbing of the step irons we arrived in an L shaped small brick corridor

the penstock control in great condition now back down the way we came up

these steps lead you down to the 2 small pipes at the top of the staircase we diddnt go through these but opted to walk across the penstock itself


in to Inhospitable now it was very rocky underfoot

going downstream

after a bit of a slog the pipe widened here

before returning to its previous size the sound of gushing water was getting louder

this last section went down hill rather quickly and the flow gathered pace there was no safe way out here as its a drop at the end of the pipe hence hearing the gushing water earlier had to be careful not to slip as i would have been washed out on to the rocks below it was quite dodgy more than the pic suggests

stood very precariously near the end you can see the drop and what appear to be the ruins of an old mill of sorts , Dangerous this

coming back upstream back to the penstock

quite deep in places and hard going underfoot


other side of the penstock now going upstream you could see light at the end of the tunnel

an old almost keyhole shaped pipe branching of the main pipe this drain was packed with features

approaching the end but not before we encounter an under ground old bridge


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yep, a nice little traipse that Jezzyboo. pics turned out well too
Thought I may be coming home with two broken ankles after a few hundred yards in 'Inhospitable' !!!!!! was a bit rough underfoot. hit the deck twice but luckily escaped with just a wet sleeve !!
And the steep and slimy was the brick invert at the one point thought we may not get back up the pipe against the torrent it was producing ...FFS !!!!! Was ,just like walking around in Aunt Bessie's baking tray !!!!
Quite scary .......had to put me thong on a boil wash when I got home ...Phew !!!!! :turd :thumb


Regular User
awesome report and photos as always! the moss/moston brook is definitely my favorite brook of all time (next to the car brook) and its easy to see why. great report!

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Really enjoyed this. That brick pipe is a beauty of a design. The colours amazing. That chandler! well I never. Adds character lol. Looks like an interesting explore. Lovely job:thumb


Loyal to the Drain
Regular User
Great to see this! :thumb
The Works was my first proper introduction to draining. Explored this in September 2007 with a mate and I've never looked back.
Didn't go more than a few yards past the penstock mind, but your report is the first that I recall with several pics beyond the penstock right to the scary outfall under Rochdale Road. You've got me thinking that a revisit might possibly be in order.

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