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Report - - Inhospitable/The Works - 01/10/2023 - Manchester | UK Draining Forum | Page 2 |

Report - Inhospitable/The Works - 01/10/2023 - Manchester

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
ive done it in a few recent reports, its nice to show clips without having to upload unlisted onto youtube and embed links and whatever, gonna do this in upcoming reports too. cheers! :lol
I will keep an eye out. Definitely looks great and like you say they save YouTube and links. I want to do some, but don’t want to feel like I am copying now ha ha.


Regular User
I will keep an eye out. Definitely looks great and like you say they save YouTube and links. I want to do some, but don’t want to feel like I am copying now ha ha.
aye more than anything im happy ive inspired someone to do gifs too! i dont see it as copying what so ever :lol

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