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28DL and UE in the News TheSecretVault - Hovercraft Museum - Portsmouth

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
How is he still going ? It's beggars belief. Just him and an endless stream of 'Exploring with's fuelling the drivel by now surely !
He's been cycling through guests, at this point has had a dozen or so pints, and has take several nose fulls of something (snuff I think, could be something stronger). I'm honestly impressed with his stamina he's been going for over 6 hours without a brake non stop bullshit.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I chuckled to myself when he mentioned that all we do is take photos of ourselves naked and perform some form of sex in tunnels...
I've wasted my evening watching this stupid stupid shit (over 5 hours of it) so you don't have to.

So what you guys are doing according to the dingus:
Being mean
You don't like youtubers
Stealing his plans for explores and leaving him behind
Your all police or security
Privet messages are being spyed on
Simulating sexual acts
Making porn
Don't like his face
You banned a guy for his shirts
Your all youtubers
More than half of 28 day later accounts are fake and he has more real subscribers than 28 days later
Your serious photographers that spend many monies on equipment and are jelly of youtubers that use just their mobiles
You don't talk about the history of the places you explore
You are talented photographers that know how to use good lighting and Photoshop to make place look better than they are
You hate him and someone called Dan
It against the 28 days later rules to climb fences
You guys all ask permission to go into places
You guys would be able to carry out a weekend conference on how much of a dick he is
You guys want to smash his head in to get raid of youtubers with gimbels
You guy are a bunch of kids
You guys want to control the Urbx scene and tell everyone what to do
Your all keyboard warriors
You guys think your all pros
You have "agendas"
Your photos are over edited
If you used a gimbel you wouldn't need to use tripods for night photos
You all like to use kodak brownies from the 1930s for long exposes (Fucking love my No. 2 Brownie DM me report links if theirs some good ones using one I'd love to see them)
All your reports have light painting photos in them (he then tried to find an example and failed)
You guys are jealous of his boat
He kept coming back to you guys being jealous of him and stuck in the past (this lead to another rant about video being the future as video is 6 million photos an hour and photos will go out of fashion like the horse)

But hey at least you guys aren't braking into a operating museum and yelling childish abuse at the staff both in person and online (ranted repeatedly in the video about the bloke and his weight) to protest a closed slipway not owned by said museum. You would have to have had a many pints and taken a nose full of something good to think that's a good way to go about things.

Claims also made in the stream:
The allies where just as bad as Hitler
Covids a government conspiracy
All the governments are sharing their deadly virus like xbox games
28 days later is a great place for photos
He's done some journalism, because of that he dosn't like to edit his videos because that can misrepresent things
He just likes going into museums when their closed because its more fun
He enjoys reading the pages and pages of venom about him on here (Hi there)
His mate that jet ski will move the blocks off the Daedalus slip way
Daedalus slip way has been blocked because its the only free parking around
He never offered anyone a sticker
He never boasted about being on youtube
He wasn't trying to not get cought at the hovercraft museum and was only pointing out the hypocrisy of the guard when he called him a fat cunt (then repeatedly insulted him online)
Is apparent funny to be mean to security
He wasn't cought at the hovercraft museum because it was a truck driver that spotted him not the museum owner
He ignores negative comments and haters
Putting your stickers up on explores is a good way to share info
He's happy for you to slag him off in person but he may punch you
His viewers are the most non toxic people on the internet
He doesn't want drama
Photography is dumb videos the future
He puts his security hassling antics up because that is part of the truth of documenting the sites he visits and photos don't show that
Photos are like art and that is not as accessible as video
His videos wouldn't be good if he didn't have a lough
Its a laugh to be dicks to security
When the police raid your house they will jump on your hard drives (he claims this has happened to him in the past when raided by the police and they didn't find what they where looking for and then when he tried to sue them they compensated him for the damage. No idea why the police would be able to get a warrant for his computer and raid him)
Google is the NSA its a self funding profit making surveillance agency and that why they let you upload unlisted youtube videos to store for free
He normally catches every illness but hasn't cought covid thinks that's a bit suspect (went on dumb covid rant dosn't think its entirely "real", dismised people in the comentls talking about their Covid experiences and dead relatives, guest also had some covid conspiracy but thinks it defiantly real)
Coroners are faking Covid death rates
He claims to not be changing how he dose anything due to Coivd but will where a mask
He will walk into a shop with out a mask if he dosn't have one (started talking about a bloke that apparently tried to climb into a different isle to avoid him when shopping with out a mask)
He went on tangent about of BBC brain washing in relation to the virus and Brexit (I think the guest died inside at this point)
Masks make you ill
No point in wearing a mask because it fogs your glasses so leave your nose uncovered
Thinks the pub cigarette ban was designed to kill pubs and made them to sterile and church like
Depression will kill the elderly (this lead to more anti-lockdown and Covid ranting)
Threads like this apparently lead to stalking and real world problems
By allowing threads like this people could get hurt
Threads like this one are illegal (its apparently fostering a incitement to violence)
To take photos you must stop set up a tripod cameras only work on tripods
Gimbals are the future only way to truthfully document explores
Normal police are normally pretty chill but military police are dicks because they have nothing better to do and also very patronising (this started another rant about filming and antagonising security and police, he claims after a confrontation some weeks back that he's going to call the police up and ask why they haven't followed up on threats to prosecute him)
Security are often ex military that are happy to torture and have killed middle eastern civilians
He doesn't believe in violence
He's locked himself in buildings for raves so the police cant get him then laugh out the windows at him which cased them to call 30 odd reinforcements to try to "smash his bones" he waited them out and they all left and got away with all the dj/party equipment
SIS security are trained to lie to police
He's a master at conflict deescalation
New world order conspiracies where discussed in a serious way in depth
There is a surveillance state (he proved his point by getting close to the mic and chowing a sandwich)
Nuclear conspires where also discussed not sure what they point was it was too rambling
Covid could be a simulation
Covid is linked to whatever that nuclear conspiracy was
Covid was the medias Brexit revenge to get back control
You catch covid from the test
The covid test are too broad and tell you if you had regular flu
More people should have died of covid thats suspect
Borris had flu not covid
Trumps not part of the global elite thats why he has covid to stop the poeple taking back control (thats why people always attack trump)
Hillary Clinton part of the globalest etite and who the globlest wanted in power
Free mason run america
The elite send people to their deaths for fun
There is some sort of demonic type evil behind the elites
The people need to rise up
Taxes will be raised
People that don't go back to work when the government say will be roasted on a stick
Urbx is his job so hes exempt from lockdown
His videos stop suicide
Teachers are allowed to paedophiles (this lead to a rant about past non sexual school abuse that lead to how he is now and apparently someone made videos about this taking the piss)
Music streaming is taking away free will
Phillips CDs lead to a downward spiral of music quality records where better and more authentic (at this point he made several loud impressions of a CD skipping where made)
DVDs have code on them that studios can use to erase them
He dosn't think he has ever done anything to desrve hate.

Nearly 1am Im done I can't take any more of this shit the live stream is still running their all very drunk and it become too incoherent to follow .

I once meet a : poly amorous, misogynist, raciest, homophobic, young earth creationist, doomday preper ,Trump supporting Texan, that though doing wheelies and driving a fast bike made girls wet for him. This live stream was dumber I doubt I'll see anything dumber. I wish I never heard of this bloke this is the dumbest thing I've ever watched such a waste of an evening. If he didn't act like a twat to people I would have never heard of him and his stupid behaviour. I really would have never have heard nor cared about this dude if it wasn't for his shity attitude and I wish I lived in a reality where he didn't broadcast is stupidity and remained out of my cone of knowledge. Dude has a amazing skill of spouting shit for hours (over 6 hours of my life I will never get back) non stop without any sing of intelligence presenting its self. Apologies for my spelling and grammar I can feel my brain cells committing ritual suicide after watching this. I'm off to get a drink and put the rest of my brain cells out of their misery.

P.S Mat (I know your probably going to read this) take a cold hard look at how your acting your the toxic element. Think about your actions. Educate yourself and be a better person. A good start to getting people to stop calling you a dick would be to not insult someone that tells you to leave a museum you broke into when closed (like seriously multiple times you've brought this up in your video and continued to insult him) and maybe to apologise to the Hovercraft Museum their nice people doing something for the community. Also the Daedalus slip way is manged by Home England why not hassle them (a large faceless government department with a legal team) instead of a volunteer run museum doing their best to preserve some local history.

P.P.S I've seen your videos and their shit.

P.P.P.S Its probably best in the future to ignore this guy he appears to take sustenance from the attention.
That sir was some
I've wasted my evening watching this stupid stupid shit (over 5 hours of it) so you don't have to.

So what you guys are doing according to the dingus:
Being mean
You don't like youtubers
Stealing his plans for explores and leaving him behind
Your all police or security
Privet messages are being spyed on
Simulating sexual acts
Making porn
Don't like his face
You banned a guy for his shirts
Your all youtubers
More than half of 28 day later accounts are fake and he has more real subscribers than 28 days later
Your serious photographers that spend many monies on equipment and are jelly of youtubers that use just their mobiles
You don't talk about the history of the places you explore
You are talented photographers that know how to use good lighting and Photoshop to make place look better than they are
You hate him and someone called Dan
It against the 28 days later rules to climb fences
You guys all ask permission to go into places
You guys would be able to carry out a weekend conference on how much of a dick he is
You guys want to smash his head in to get raid of youtubers with gimbels
You guy are a bunch of kids
You guys want to control the Urbx scene and tell everyone what to do
Your all keyboard warriors
You guys think your all pros
You have "agendas"
Your photos are over edited
If you used a gimbel you wouldn't need to use tripods for night photos
You all like to use kodak brownies from the 1930s for long exposes (Fucking love my No. 2 Brownie DM me report links if theirs some good ones using one I'd love to see them)
All your reports have light painting photos in them (he then tried to find an example and failed)
You guys are jealous of his boat
He kept coming back to you guys being jealous of him and stuck in the past (this lead to another rant about video being the future as video is 6 million photos an hour and photos will go out of fashion like the horse)

But hey at least you guys aren't braking into a operating museum and yelling childish abuse at the staff both in person and online (ranted repeatedly in the video about the bloke and his weight) to protest a closed slipway not owned by said museum. You would have to have had a many pints and taken a nose full of something good to think that's a good way to go about things.

Claims also made in the stream:
The allies where just as bad as Hitler
Covids a government conspiracy
All the governments are sharing their deadly virus like xbox games
28 days later is a great place for photos
He's done some journalism, because of that he dosn't like to edit his videos because that can misrepresent things
He just likes going into museums when their closed because its more fun
He enjoys reading the pages and pages of venom about him on here (Hi there)
His mate that jet ski will move the blocks off the Daedalus slip way
Daedalus slip way has been blocked because its the only free parking around
He never offered anyone a sticker
He never boasted about being on youtube
He wasn't trying to not get cought at the hovercraft museum and was only pointing out the hypocrisy of the guard when he called him a fat cunt (then repeatedly insulted him online)
Is apparent funny to be mean to security
He wasn't cought at the hovercraft museum because it was a truck driver that spotted him not the museum owner
He ignores negative comments and haters
Putting your stickers up on explores is a good way to share info
He's happy for you to slag him off in person but he may punch you
His viewers are the most non toxic people on the internet
He doesn't want drama
Photography is dumb videos the future
He puts his security hassling antics up because that is part of the truth of documenting the sites he visits and photos don't show that
Photos are like art and that is not as accessible as video
His videos wouldn't be good if he didn't have a lough
Its a laugh to be dicks to security
When the police raid your house they will jump on your hard drives (he claims this has happened to him in the past when raided by the police and they didn't find what they where looking for and then when he tried to sue them they compensated him for the damage. No idea why the police would be able to get a warrant for his computer and raid him)
Google is the NSA its a self funding profit making surveillance agency and that why they let you upload unlisted youtube videos to store for free
He normally catches every illness but hasn't cought covid thinks that's a bit suspect (went on dumb covid rant dosn't think its entirely "real", dismised people in the comentls talking about their Covid experiences and dead relatives, guest also had some covid conspiracy but thinks it defiantly real)
Coroners are faking Covid death rates
He claims to not be changing how he dose anything due to Coivd but will where a mask
He will walk into a shop with out a mask if he dosn't have one (started talking about a bloke that apparently tried to climb into a different isle to avoid him when shopping with out a mask)
He went on tangent about of BBC brain washing in relation to the virus and Brexit (I think the guest died inside at this point)
Masks make you ill
No point in wearing a mask because it fogs your glasses so leave your nose uncovered
Thinks the pub cigarette ban was designed to kill pubs and made them to sterile and church like
Depression will kill the elderly (this lead to more anti-lockdown and Covid ranting)
Threads like this apparently lead to stalking and real world problems
By allowing threads like this people could get hurt
Threads like this one are illegal (its apparently fostering a incitement to violence)
To take photos you must stop set up a tripod cameras only work on tripods
Gimbals are the future only way to truthfully document explores
Normal police are normally pretty chill but military police are dicks because they have nothing better to do and also very patronising (this started another rant about filming and antagonising security and police, he claims after a confrontation some weeks back that he's going to call the police up and ask why they haven't followed up on threats to prosecute him)
Security are often ex military that are happy to torture and have killed middle eastern civilians
He doesn't believe in violence
He's locked himself in buildings for raves so the police cant get him then laugh out the windows at him which cased them to call 30 odd reinforcements to try to "smash his bones" he waited them out and they all left and got away with all the dj/party equipment
SIS security are trained to lie to police
He's a master at conflict deescalation
New world order conspiracies where discussed in a serious way in depth
There is a surveillance state (he proved his point by getting close to the mic and chowing a sandwich)
Nuclear conspires where also discussed not sure what they point was it was too rambling
Covid could be a simulation
Covid is linked to whatever that nuclear conspiracy was
Covid was the medias Brexit revenge to get back control
You catch covid from the test
The covid test are too broad and tell you if you had regular flu
More people should have died of covid thats suspect
Borris had flu not covid
Trumps not part of the global elite thats why he has covid to stop the poeple taking back control (thats why people always attack trump)
Hillary Clinton part of the globalest etite and who the globlest wanted in power
Free mason run america
The elite send people to their deaths for fun
There is some sort of demonic type evil behind the elites
The people need to rise up
Taxes will be raised
People that don't go back to work when the government say will be roasted on a stick
Urbx is his job so hes exempt from lockdown
His videos stop suicide
Teachers are allowed to paedophiles (this lead to a rant about past non sexual school abuse that lead to how he is now and apparently someone made videos about this taking the piss)
Music streaming is taking away free will
Phillips CDs lead to a downward spiral of music quality records where better and more authentic (at this point he made several loud impressions of a CD skipping where made)
DVDs have code on them that studios can use to erase them
He dosn't think he has ever done anything to desrve hate.

Nearly 1am Im done I can't take any more of this shit the live stream is still running their all very drunk and it become too incoherent to follow .

I once meet a : poly amorous, misogynist, raciest, homophobic, young earth creationist, doomday preper ,Trump supporting Texan, that though doing wheelies and driving a fast bike made girls wet for him. This live stream was dumber I doubt I'll see anything dumber. I wish I never heard of this bloke this is the dumbest thing I've ever watched such a waste of an evening. If he didn't act like a twat to people I would have never heard of him and his stupid behaviour. I really would have never have heard nor cared about this dude if it wasn't for his shity attitude and I wish I lived in a reality where he didn't broadcast is stupidity and remained out of my cone of knowledge. Dude has a amazing skill of spouting shit for hours (over 6 hours of my life I will never get back) non stop without any sing of intelligence presenting its self. Apologies for my spelling and grammar I can feel my brain cells committing ritual suicide after watching this. I'm off to get a drink and put the rest of my brain cells out of their misery.

P.S Mat (I know your probably going to read this) take a cold hard look at how your acting your the toxic element. Think about your actions. Educate yourself and be a better person. A good start to getting people to stop calling you a dick would be to not insult someone that tells you to leave a museum you broke into when closed (like seriously multiple times you've brought this up in your video and continued to insult him) and maybe to apologise to the Hovercraft Museum their nice people doing something for the community. Also the Daedalus slip way is manged by Home England why not hassle them (a large faceless government department with a legal team) instead of a volunteer run museum doing their best to preserve some local history.

P.P.S I've seen your videos and their shit.

P.P.P.S Its probably best in the future to ignore this guy he appears to take sustenance from the attention.
That sir.. Was a wonderful piece of literature! I did have a chuckle to myself about the taking naked photos and performing sex acts in tunnels part..


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
Thanks for the sacrifice Aswope.

What an absolute mong,I hope he doesn’t breed.

I watched it for all of 20 seconds,one of them was In the bog and his mate was having trouble reading the comments and trying to do shout outs

Anyone know when the next 28 dogging event is ? Must have missed the last one


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
One staircase photo for yes, two for no.
Thanks for the sacrifice Aswope.

What an absolute mong,I hope he doesn’t breed.

I watched it for all of 20 seconds,one of them was In the bog and his mate was having trouble reading the comments and trying to do shout outs

Anyone know when the next 28 dogging event is ? Must have missed the last one


Has a weak spot for staircases
28DL Full Member
To be fair when I opened up the stream he was pouring some cheap aldi knock off lager into a pint glass can't be doing that well for himself earning money out of his videos

Johny Vaults

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Okay guys since our secret is out I might as publicaly share the date and location of our next Urbex Orgy.

The next event will be held within the Sandstone carved Williamson Tunnels, Liverpool on the 69th of October. As usual it will be fancy dress and this events theme will be: GoonTube.

Mr Williams, we would be honoured if you could join us to film the event. Gimbal is optional.
Last edited:


Has a weak spot for staircases
28DL Full Member
Okay guys since our secret is out I might as publicaly share the date and location of our next Urbex Orgy.

The next event will be held within the Sandstone carved Williamson Tunnels, Liverpool on the 69th of October. As usual it will be fancy dress and this events theme will be: GoonTube.

Mr Williams, we would be honoured if you could join us to film the event. Gimbal is optional.

That's all well and good but can I please not have that gimbal in my arse again it done damage last time


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
@ASwope I'm glad someone was able to stomach that much total drivel, the special sort of morons these people are seemingly have a total lack of any self-awareness or ability to work out that it might in fact be a problem of their own creation.

As someone else said, without forums such as 28dl these idiots wouldn't even have a clue about exploring.

Urbex g00n

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well well :rolleyes:


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