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Report - Thingdon Ironstone Mine - Northants - June 2019

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Inconspicuous, not inactive!
28DL Full Member
I had a similar thing happen crashed from 17.5-14.1 within 2 meters
Yeah. Mine bombed standing still for 20 seconds. It is amazing how quickly "still air" moves!
Also I am now upgrading from 4gas to 5gas as carbon dioxide is a big threat in these compared to others.

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Very good idea carbon drains the o2 out like mad doesn’t it ? I love all mines but this would should not be visited by anyone who is not clued up its extremely dangerous Everybody needs to be very carful in here as oxygen changes all time
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Be carful anything below 17 mate starts getting dangerous and 15 below is serious get out time just a bit freindly advice might only be a few didgits each one has big differences in-between them

Exactly as I said, it got too dangerous. When the levels dropped that low it was out time.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
No but sadly people have been careless with regards to it's location so it's been very well known sadly.

Personally I think it should stay covered up now. As it only takes some idiot school kids who don't know what they are doing to venture in and something can go very very wrong
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Inconspicuous, not inactive!
28DL Full Member
Personally I think it should stay covered up now. As it only takes some idiot school kids who don't know what they are doing to venture in and something can go very very wrong
Ideally what it needs as a compromise is for the responsible of us that enjoy it to cover it up as best as possible between visits. We know where it is but new people might not. I was even contemplating putting a small sign on a wooden peg inside the portal as a double warning for those who maybe haven't even seen online about the bad air. Something simple as low oxygen etc symptoms. Maybe other than a simple 'get out'. Hopefully where the oxygen is 19% normally so they can feel it as they read it and still near the portal!!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Problem is some prat took his 13yo nephew down there and soon the local school kids all knew about it. So sadly regardless a lot of people know the exact location of the entrance, and plenty of people never left it covered.
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Inconspicuous, not inactive!
28DL Full Member
Problem is some youtuber prat took his 13yo nephew down there and soon the local school kids all knew about it.
It is for events such as this that the double face-palm was made! I think we are lucky the mine has inconvenient floodwater in so much if you don't want to get wet it keeps any wandering to the adit line and the loops on the left, away from the insanity and even worse air. Let's just hope all remains without incident.

Let's look on the plus side... At least there are no pokemon, geocaches or easter eggs to hunt down there!

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Personally I think if I may add that it should be completely sealed as it’s location is far to well known now I hate saying this , it is the only addit in existence now and it’s a death trap for the inexperienced ,or it should be completely gated and you have to obtain a key to visit and have bca insurance dout the 2nd one would ever happen because idiots will cut the locks but rather it would
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