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Information - - This ain't no rope day it's a goddamn rope weekend - 11 & 12 July 2015 | General Exploring Chat Forum | Page 3 |

Information - This ain't no rope day it's a goddamn rope weekend - 11 & 12 July 2015


Mr Reality Hacker
28DL Full Member
Depending on where this is will bring missus along sounds like we could learn a thing or two and meet some of you plus we love camping and bbq what's not to like. Will bring plenty food for everyone oh and some beer for drinkers lol. Oh and maybe pick up some cam tips off acid lmao
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
How regularly do you do these? I can't make this one- but would like to go to next one! Haven't managed to go climbing/ abseiling outdoors yet and would be good to learn more rope stuff- sounds fun :)!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
How regularly do you do these? I can't make this one- but would like to go to next one! Haven't managed to go climbing/ abseiling outdoors yet and would be good to learn more rope stuff- sounds fun :)!
Hi we have done a couple so far and I'm sure there will be more but I couldn't say when or where.

We try and do it every few months depending on time of year and weather but keep an eye out for the next one. Sorry you can't make this one though.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi we have done a couple so far and I'm sure there will be more but I couldn't say when or where.

We try and do it every few months depending on time of year and weather but keep an eye out for the next one. Sorry you can't make this one though.
Thanks- yeh a shame- I'll keep an eye out for the next one though! Hope the weather's nice for you guys :thumb!


Mr Reality Hacker
28DL Full Member
Hey acid maybe we can teach each other m8ty let's leave it at that lmao. And yea looks like I'm deffo going. Be good to see some of you.


Official Smartarse
Regular User
Don't worry if you can't make it, there's always the next one.

I only really organise these (get paradox to organise these) when I'm asked enough, so if you find me on fb, add me, and let me know when you're free, I'll make sure the next one is when you're free.


Mr Reality Hacker
28DL Full Member
Well paradox got missus happy now lol so we deffo coming. And riech and paradox say nothing but good things about you jobs and how much help you give gratz m8ty it's very appreciated.


28DL Full Member
Myself and woopashoopaa are hopefull going to make it there with you lot. Sound like its to good to miss...just let me know location and any info closer to the time:thumb


Quite often seen exploring further than Norfolk
28DL Full Member
Thats confirmed I 100% can't make it, but as soon as a date pops up for the next 1 its going in the diary for sure