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Thoughts on Tagging?

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I ain't keen. And think you will find most won't like them either. The stickers are normally just a way of promoting your YouTube/Instagram/FB page and are often stuck right in the way of a nice shot.

P.s I guess they are ok if you are seven.
So true about being in the way of a shot. I've never moved one but have had to photoshop out that I find an effort


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
everywhere looks better covered in graff! id rather see some graff on a wall than some shitty computer made sticker. Graff aint about advertising, infact its the complete opposite

Some really nice art out there that really adds to some places. Lot of talent and also alot of scribbles.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
everywhere looks better covered in graff! id rather see some graff on a wall than some shitty computer made sticker. Graff aint about advertising, infact its the complete opposite

Urmmmm... The whole point of graffiti tagging is to get your name out.

That's why they write the exact same tag everywhere


28DL Full Member
I used to leave my name in dust or chalk. Lots of places had a wall of names and it seemed fun to add to it.

It really depends on the site. It's probably better for everyone if you leave no sign of having been there.

If you explore and post reports there's really no need to advertise yourself.
really it goes against the unwritten rule of take nothing but pictures leave nothing but footprints
it could also lead them to you and im sure you dont want the filth knocking on the door at silly o clock


Massive Member
Regular User
Good graffiti can be art but stickers are just pointless
@farmer.ned there's no unwritten rules or codes, it's hypocritical to impose a moral code on people who are regularly committing a civil offense and breaking the law
We're not into this hobby because we follow the rules and realistically there's no one "community" which collectively agrees to any rules
Personally I don't tag because I lack the artistic talent but I wouldn't try imposing that on anyone else


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
Good graffiti can be art but stickers are just pointless
@farmer.ned there's no unwritten rules or codes, it's hypocritical to impose a moral code on people who are regularly committing a civil offense and breaking the law
We're not into this hobby because we follow the rules and realistically there's no one "community" which collectively agrees to any rules
Personally I don't tag because I lack the artistic talent but I wouldn't try imposing that on anyone else

what about graffiti stickers ?;)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
What are people going to get out of placing stickers? Maybe half a dozen people seeing them and checking out their page?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Are we asking should writers not tag or should explorers not tag ? I could write a massive 10 page response on this graff writers were tagging and bombing tunnels and buildings long before Urbex became popular so who we to say writers should stop it because it ruins your shot. On the other hand Baby Hospital in Italy was deliberately tagged by a guy called Bear just to ruin the shots, took me ages to retouch them out. Either learn some photoshop skills or put up with it. I think the deal here is not tagging or stickers but goons promoting their fuckbook page which is ruining it for all real explorers. End of rant for now.


A peach, a nice welcoming peach
Stickers - as long as they aren’t in my shot then they don’t bother me

graff tags/ marker pen - no thanks

street art - yes please

What I don’t understand is explorers bringing other explorers stickers with them and sticking them up. That explorer hasn’t even been there?! Iknow it might be friends doing stuff for each other. But if I did stickers I’d only want them in places I’d been.

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