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Thursday night beers in the Paris catacombs | European and International Sites |

Thursday night beers in the Paris catacombs


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well it's been done a fair few times here to say the least so I won't go over the history of the catacombs again just some context and photos - apologies in advance for the quality , iPhone 5c's aren't exactly known for their great images

Lost my last account here after not using it for 6 or so years and though it'd be right to get a report up here sooner rather than later

Had just gotten home from work to receive a text from my mate " allons-y ce soir, ça fait trop longtemps " fuck I'd been down the night before so despite feeling exhausted I agreeded and got my stuff together - meeting point arranged underground I got my waders on and started to cycle over to the access , it's one you probably all know and conveniently lies about 10 minutes from my place

After coming down into the system I take the route 90% of people take on their first time here , a bit of a tourist highway as I pass group after group passing to and from le plage , almost a surprising amount for a wet Thursday evening but that quickly drops off as I pass the turnoff for le plage and the Jc sarette plaque,keeping going as the amount of tags drops off to nearly none for a while .

After stopping off for a quick Madelines and some much needed water I spot some new paintings by a friend of mine and snapped a photo before moving on again - running late for a meeting with friends down here isn't as convenient as sending them a message , you need to just hurry up

Finally I reach a ladder going up into a service tunnel for Paris telecoms - at the top the ladder you reach a thin metal plate which you need to push aside as you pass through effectively a vertical chaterie where cataphiles have cut directly through the concrete and rebar used to close the catacombs off from the tunnel , even more impressively is that it's been done a second time at the other end of the tunnel to pass into a second area of the catas

Having arrived late to the service tunnel ( Galerie technique in proper terms) and expecting my friend to be here already I'm a little confused as almost exactly on cue the other hole pops open and he climbs out

We had a Few beers and ciders together whilst sharing some baguettes with copious amounts of truffle , saucisson and good music as we'd planned , however after realising that we'd passed to nearly 2am there we switched off the lights in the tunnel and plunged ourselves back into darkness.

Heading back to the same exit a little more enjoyable , jostling each other on and keeping a much quicker pace than we would of alone - all until we reached a section that we'd already debated on using or not as its 15 minutes of jumping between underwater power cable bars ( to hold them off the floor before they were all removed in 2005) in water that's almost neck deep without the cable bars , whilst holding small screws coming off the wall near the ceiling - it saves 45+ minutes of walking but the risk of getting soaked is extreme however I'm not sleeping there that night so im willing to take that bet , you can see a photo of the bars + screws in the last few photos - super precarious!

Thanks if you've read the report , hopefully once I have some better photos and write my reports a little better like I used to be in the habit of then the quality will be a bit better


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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Just curious on Nick, how do you get that flashing/strobing effect on your avatar? Is it a .gif format file? If so, does 28dl allow uploading of said file format?


A Porky Prime Cut
Regular User
Just curious on Nick, how do you get that flashing/strobing effect on your avatar? Is it a .gif format file? If so, does 28dl allow uploading of said file format?

Yep it's gif I made years ago mate, probably 2 forum software changes ago actually. I wouldn't know if you can still upload them now.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Sorted the duplicates out for you mate. Sounds like an eventful evening. Think I'd rather walk for 45 mins than go through neck deep water personally but fair play
Cheers! Will try to upload properly next time

managed to keep myself from falling in the water this time but I’ve done it before and its a bit grim although the water in the network is generally very clean and not so cold

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