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Video - - Tin Brook - Stockport - Nov 14 | Urban Exploring Videos | Page 2 |

Video - Tin Brook - Stockport - Nov 14

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The Tin Brook is a culverted stream that runs under Stockport town centre, and most notibly
the Robinsons brewery before emptying into the river Mersey.
Its a right stoop, and put me out of action for a good few days afterwards.

Once again apologies for the quality, the annoying time-stamp..the occasional industrial
language and the god-awful music.

Visted with Ojay, Nickindroy, Freshfingers, Tom Sherman and last but not least Mr Paul Powers.

Enjoy :thumb


Choose life, choose tunnels
Regular User
Yeah I saw those little beauties. Has something been getting jiggy with my Black Beauty and procreating, resulting in the new offspring?

She's still behind the shed with a leak. Soon fix that though mate :D


foul-mouthed oaf
28DL Full Member
[QUOTE She's still behind the shed with a leak. Soon fix that though mate :D[/QUOTE]

Tell me..hows the mersey this time of year ? ;)