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Report - - Tower Subway, London - July 2015 | Underground Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Tower Subway, London - July 2015

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Brilliant! It looks a lot deeper than any of the other under-Thames tunnels from that first pic


living in a cold world
Regular User
That's the fisheye I'm afraid. The shaft in the first photo is only around 15m deep.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A word of caution to anyone using the ladders on the Northern side - the platform at the top of the second ladder is very rusty metal, and is best avoided - go ladder to ladder. One of our party was crossing it and their foot went through, resulting in a reasonable amount of metal falling on my head as I got to the top of the first ladder below. I was lucky as I was wearing a helmet (fancy dress for exiting at street level) so the damage was minimal, but wouldn't want anyone to go through. On the plus side there is now a child-size foothole in it, so you should be able to spot it.

edit: visual aid now attached.


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