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Report - Train Graveyard, Cheltenham - Jan 19

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28DL Member
28DL Member
There are now working steam trains there, if u go there and see the train wait until it’s gone cuz there are security ppl there when the train goes down. I go there all the time I went there with my brother once and he fell through the wooden planks on the train and slit his leg in half it’s deadly up there

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
There are now working steam trains there, if u go there and see the train wait until it’s gone cuz there are security ppl there when the train goes down. I go there all the time I went there with my brother once and he fell through the wooden planks on the train and slit his leg in half it’s deadly up there
Always has been! it is a heritage line & there were people further up the line when I visited years back.
I also wouldn't describe this place as deadly, yes there are risks & u need to be sensible & keep your wits about you but most buildings have more risk IMO

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