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Tresspassing laws

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Urban Explorer4U

28DL Member
28DL Member
Hello everyone
I recently explored a couple of places, one was caves or a cave house. The other was an old chapel in the woods, I noticed other explorers have filmed these great places and so i wanted too.
After posting the videos on my youtube channel and my fb page i had two messages from different people, however they both had the same surname. They claimed that i was trespassing and the buildings were on land that they owned and said for me to remove the videos. I lashed back saying that: 1. There were NO keep out signs or private land signs to be seen in both places.
What is the view of people on here, is this a common thing?
I am sure that I am in the right to post my material as they put no signage up etc.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Trespass is what you were doing as the land was owned by someone and is their property however the onus is on them to adequately sign and secure said areas. I wouldn't worry about it too much, all land and property is owned by someone somewhere.


See a sticker, remove a sticker
28DL Full Member
As long as they don't know your real name especially from your fb page, just ignore them, they don't have the ability to do anything

Copyright on photos of other people's work has always been a debate on ownership, but for urbex taking photos of others property isn't copyright, so you outright own the photos and do what you want with them.

If anything you gave them the wake up they needed to seal the place up. Id personally just proclaim no attempts at securing the place, and they should do something about it


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The real reason they want you to remove the videos is once people see others will follow and that’s when things get robbed and vandalised etc. Your intentions may be good but others may not be. It’s always been a touchy subject but you own the copyright and ownership of your work. How they find it was it named ? If so change it other wise ignore it. I had this all the time when posting Mills in the end I took them down and didn’t bother posting others just explored them which is a shame as my reports were fucking awesome


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Block the user names, carry on exploring.
Have a read of the trespass law thread.
Post your explores on here instead.